Presearch: the blockchain that wants to compete with Google by paying you crypto to search the web

in #presearch7 years ago

I rarely blog about cryptos or blockchains outside of the Steem blockchain, but a few days ago I learned of a pretty interesting project that I figured could be worth sharing with my followers. What we will be talking about is a project called Presearch, a decentralized search engine that is powered by the community.

I will start this post by talking a bit about the goals of the project, but the current state of it is far from done. If you rather try it out for yourself before reading all about it, just follow this link to get started and get 25 PRE tokens for free.


A screencap from their website.

The goal of Presearch

Presearch is pretty much hoping to be a decentralized alternative to Google. As we are all aware, Google has huge amounts of user data stored, and there's no telling what they will do with this data in the future, so I think it makes a lot of sense for someone to create a decentralized search engine.

Their main selling point is that the tokens (PRE) are used as a voting mechanism, much like how we vote for witnesses here on Steem, which leads to the community deciding how to evolve the platform. Basically the community would have to agree to changes, and Presearch could for example not sell our user data without the majority voting to do so.

Right now they don't have a working search engine, but you can still participate in the project by using their web portal (more on this later). I find the roadmap a bit difficult to read, but it seems like the search engine is planned for sometime in 2019.

Right now they have a working web portal where you can get tokens by using the portal to do your searches. The tokens are Ethereum ERC20 token, but the ability to transfer the tokens from the website to your wallet is still being developed, but it is planned fo Q2 in 2018, so that should not be too far away.

A video presentation of the project.

The Presearch (PRE) token

As mentioned above, the Presearch token is a Ethereum ERC20 token, and it is currently valued at $0.236673. Each search you do from the portal rewards you with 0.25 tokens, so each search is essentially worth $0.06. Not a lot, but it really adds up quickly.

You can only do 36 "paid" searches each day, giving you a total of 8 tokens. This is just under $2 per day for using their web portal. That's not really a bad amount of crypto tokens worth of doing things you would already be doing anyway.

presearch rewards.jpg

My rewards after using it for about two days. The tokens are currently worth almost $9.

The token was worth a lot more before the bear market that began this spring, so it might also be able to rise pretty high. Imagine if you could get $10+ each day for searching the web!

Sign up and get 25 PRE tokens for free

New members get 25 PRE tokens for free when they sign up by using a referral link, so just click here to use mine. Full disclosure though: if you end up using the project enough to earn 100+ tokens and have signed up with my link, I also get a 25 PRE bonus.

You are free to sign up without a referral link using this link. It's your choice, and there won't be any hard feeling if you decide to not use my link, but you won't be getting the 25 PRE token bonus, so it might be worth using it anyway.

Right now the 25 PRE tokens is worth almost $6, so it's actually a pretty good sign-up bonus!

As a final note: I want to thank @taskmaster4450 for letting me know about the project. If you like to read about cryptos and blockchains, then I suggest giving him a follow.

Thanks for reading

Thanks for checking out my post. I know that most of you follow me for my nature or science content, but I really enjoy writing about other stuff once in a while. But don't worry, science and nature posts are still coming at the usual pace! Anyway, make sure to let me know what you think of this project! Do you think it will ever compete with Google Search?


Mange takk for tips om søkjemotor @Valth
Eg har signert opp under linken di, så eg fekk 25 PRE. Deretter har eg motteke 0.25 PRE for kvart søk eg gjer. Dersom det vert noko verdi på desse, så er det klart at det vert interessant å bruka denne søkjemotoren. Ikkje minst med tanke på at du så mest sannsynleg slepp å bli overvaka av google og andre som skal tena pengar på våre søk. Då kan kanskje denne søkemotoren ha ein sjanse mellom gigantane.

Med vennleg helsing

Tusen takk for det, @siggjo. Det er absolutt et interessant prosjekt, men det blir spennende å se hvordan deres egen selvutviklede, desentraliserte søkemotor kommer til å ende opp. Det er denne som kommer til å avgjøre hvorvidt prosjektet lykkes tror jeg.

Det blir uansett spennende å se hvordan det går, og hvis det ender opp med at de vokser seg store kan det fort hende at 25 PRE blir verdt noen kroner.

Thanks for sharing. This sounds pretty awesome! I did sign up under your referral.

Thanks! :)

Yeah, it' pretty awesome, and I really hope they are able to make their own search engine as planned.

No, that's true. I suppose there could be a chance for Presearch to implement and pay us to search the Steem blockchain though, but that's probably not high on their priority list right now.

That dust project seems interesting. That will surely be pretty useful to get all those payouts on posts that normally are below the threshold.

It's really nice to show people what is interesting for us thank you @valth, I will register with your referral link.

Best Regards @Redouanemez

You're welcome! Let's hope the tokens become worth a lot in the future ;) And thanks for using my link, @Redouanemez!

I signed up (thanks for your referral) and used it. Very good tool! Now I have earned 0.75 PRE.

Thanks! That's a good start :) Just remember to bookmark the website, and the tokens will rise very quickly!

Now I've earned even more! The hanks for the referral😉

I'm glad to hear that! It really does add up quickly once you get used to use it :)

Just signed up presearch with you referal link. I received 25 pre tokens in my account. Hopefully you will receive the same. Seems to be nice platform although i am not fully aware of it usage. I will try it. Thanks for sharing @valth

Thanks! I will get the same bonus if you end up using it pretty actively. I think it was required that the users make 100 tokens and log in at least once after it has been 2 months since they signed up.

The usage right now is not all that great, but it will be a lot more useful when they create and launch their own decentralized search engine that is owned by all the token holders :)

superb sir 👍 sir whenever you blog about such things always very informative and useful for us i'm going to use your referral link thank you sir

Thanks! I'm glad you liked the post, @xawi ;)

Thanks a lot and I used your referral link . This is very simple and nice to use and people can get used to it very quickly I think !

Thanks! Yep, it is pretty nice to use, so it could have the potential to get lots of people to start using it right away.

Done! I'm using it already.
Thanks a lot :)

You're welcome!

Seems promising to earn some extra $ ..... will be trying it surely. Thanks for sharing.

Hehe, there's nothing better than getting free crypto tokens for doing the same stuff we are already doing :)

A decentralized search engine. ...seems like the need of the hour....
Lets hope that they get it running...
I would read their white paper to look for the economic road map...
Thanks for sharing:)

You're welcome. Let's hope they are able to bring a good product, because s decentralized search engine has a huge potential. The whitepaper can be read at

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