Take Back Your Life From Prescription Drugs

in #prescriptiondrugs6 years ago (edited)

From November 23, 2018
My Facebook

"I am an herbalist and healer, besides being an astrologer! Here's an issue I'm dealing with. How to make the transition from prescription medicines to natural and herbal ones. Or get off certain prescription drugs altogether (especially in the case of dangerous SSRI/antidepressant medications!!). In this case, I was looking up certain remedies and I ran across this - dangerous interactions between natural/herbal medicine and prescription heart medications. The natural remedies are -- and I wonder if the establishment even realizes this? -- the replacement remedies for the prescription medicines that they interact with in unsafe ways. So how to get to the point of being able to take them safely? That is, change from prescription to natural remedies that work. These are life saving. As in, not optional for the people who use them."

My response above was a direct commentary on THIS link:
Heart Trouble? 15 Herbal Remedies to Avoid -

Quote found today -

"Vaccines? Rx medical treatments? Diagnosis from your doctor? Doctor's today are trained in Big Pharma controlled Universities - to push Rx meds. Few are healers... those that are - are outside of the 'rigged system' - and use herbs, diet and traditional cures. Tough to kick the habit of 'blindly following authority' and taking on the huge task of '...thinking for yourself.' Researching and making your own choices. Many do it. Healing is a choice." - CJ/The Shift, Being the Change, Facebook.

My background as an Herbalist and Healer pretty much started when I was expecting the birth of my first child in 1996. Early in my pregnancy, I ran into a woman who was training to be a midwife. This got me to consider the option of a homebirth, which at that time had only become legalized in my home state of Colorado three years earlier. The more I talked with her, the more I liked the idea. The cost was so much more reasonable than a hospital birth and I liked the idea of being safe at home, able to control my environment and my surroundings. It took the fear out of the idea of having a baby and it brought the whole process down to earth for me.

One thing I came to realize is that pregnancy is not a disease, but a natural, joyful process. I remember then, being shocked to realize how far modern medicine had strayed from this reality.

Without digressing too far into the evils of big pharma and what calls itself modern medicine. My point for writing today is really, to follow up and address this problem of how to take yourself and your life back from prescription medications! Especially the ones that are considered life saving. When actually, these drugs are holding people hostage. Even to the point of keeping them sick with the problems that are being treated by prescription drugs.

See, Mother Nature has given us all of the cures and remedies we will ever need. Its just that ... in recent times, we have been programmed by the system out of our recognition and understanding of this, especially in America, and mostly it is fear that is used to keep this misinformation in place. If you didn't realize it already, every single "prescription" or synthesized remedy created in a lab, is a copy or an adaptation of something that already exists in nature. Also, this should be obvious. But the human body does NOT easily respond to prescription medications!! Yes I am talking about side effects, both short and long term. Natural remedies don't have this problem and are so much easier for the body to assimilate and make use of.

Doctors don't get rich, curing people. They get rich keeping people sick, needy, and blind to the illusion of REAL options and even the true recovery of your health!

I hinted above that prescription drugs even KEEP people sick. That's right. Natural remedies actually FIX and heal problems they treat! So that it is possible for your condition to improve, and eventually you may no longer even need them.

I will tell you another secret. Many "modern" (considered inevitable!) illnesses coined in our times are NOT REAL. For instance. Degenerative bone disease. In most cases, this is caused by chemicals in milk and dairy products ... I'm talking about growth hormones RBST and RBGH. It is NOT a natural dysfunction of the human body. While part of my paranoia would like to blame doctors and researchers for deliberately misleading people here, I doubt it is even known. That's how far modern science has come from actually being in touch with the reality of so many (bad lifestyle choice based) diseases in our time and their true cause. In most cases, science really has no idea. Why? Because they don't even want to know.

Again I digress.

When I wrote that post for my Facebook page, I was encountering something new. A heart condition that ... well, turned out to be fairly complicated. In other words, it wasn't really a heart condition. As in Cardio disease. It turned out that what I was experiencing was the result of an old injury to my heart and lung that surfaced unexpectedly. At first I started using standard herbal cardiac remedies only to discover that when I switched to include first aid treatments, my condition improved dramatically. Proof that my insights were correct. But this experience was just another one of the things that have made me a valuable healer in this day and age - someone knowledgeable and experienced, dealing with health issues that very few people wade into or even consider attempting to solve, thanks to our society's programming. So I can share what I have learned and help others.

In any case, I realized that this cardio issue, among many others, is a huge problem 'out there.' As I was considering my own options for treatment I found myself pondering just how serious this problem is for those trapped by prescription medicines that appear to be keeping people alive.

The primary culprit here that I'm talking about is a drug called 'Warfarin' (more commonly sold under the name Coumadin). Not something that I was familiar with, having been out of the system for so long. But a word I kept hearing as some kind of psychic side effect or awareness, as I was dealing with my own situation. So I got it in my head that ... as usual, I was being exposed to the name of this 'problem' drug as part of my own healing experience. Which I believe happens so that I can learn from my own experience and help others with their issues.

According to my research, Warfarin first came into commercial use in 1948 as rat poison!! In 1954 it was approved for medical use in the United States. Makes one wonder, how in the HELL, was that scientific 'leap' made? Going from rat poison to actual "medicine" used on human beings. In 2016, it was the 41st most prescribed drug in the United States with over 18 million prescriptions.

Anyway. Warfarin is mainly an anti coagulant or blood thinner. It is used to treat dangerous blood clots and prevent stroke.

"What is a pulmonary embolism (PE)?

A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a sudden blockage in a lung artery. It usually happens when a when a blood clot breaks loose and travels through the bloodstream to the lungs. PE is a serious condition that can cause

  • Permanent damage to the lungs
  • Low oxygen levels in your blood
  • Damage to other organs in your body from not getting enough oxygen

PE can be life-threatening, especially if a clot is large, or if there are many clots."

(See link below in my bibliography)...

This is so interesting to me. As I'm writing the article and researching more specifically, the information I am writing about. For me, most of my home treatment is very down to earth, even intuitive. But I've been doing this for a long time. I'm pretty surprised to find that the symptoms I'm looking up here are things I've dealt with before. Even before my recent brush a few months ago.

The primary remedy, I feel, as a replacement for Warfarin/Coumadin is HAWTHORN.

Hawthorn is primarily a heart remedy. It works by 'relaxing' and expanding blood vessels and veins to allow better blood circulation. Among other things! See my links at the bottom of the page for all of the benefits of this remedy.

Remember I said that natural/herbal remedies actually IMPROVE the condition they treat? As in, fix the problem? Here's another great link. Richard Whelan/Medical Herbalist. "Hawthorn has a marvellous folk-history as a heart remedy and restorative and modern studies fully bear out its traditional reputation. This is a fact, without increasing blood pressure or producing any other kind of strain, Hawthorn increases blood flow through the heart and strengthens the heart muscle." Keyword = RESTORATIVE. It HEALS the heart muscle itself. link: https://www.rjwhelan.co.nz/herbs%20A-Z/hawthorn.html

Also, there are serious interaction warnings for this one but I didn't see Warfarin on the list. But according to Google:

"Hawthorn (what medications does it interact with?)

  • Beta blockers, such as atenolol (Tenormin), nadolol (Corgard) or propranolol (Inderal LA, Innopran XL)

  • Calcium channel blockers, such as diltiazem, nifedipine (Procardia) and verapamil (Calan, Verelan)

  • Nitrates, such as nitroglycerin (Nitrostat, Nitro-Dur, others) and isosorbide (Dilatrate-SR, Isordil)

  • Digoxin.

(Sept 2017)."

If I were approaching this problem with someone on Warfarin (or any other prescription medication) who wanted to switch to a non prescription alternative. How would I start? First I would get a list of all prescription medications taken by my patient. Then I would research what they do and what the alternatives are, in terms of natural herbal remedies and supplements or dietary lifestyle changes and work on constructing a new picture of what the 'right' treatment should look like. Come up with a plan. I'm well aware that this can be a complex process!

Then, start. But how? Well. If I were say, taking Warfarin twice a day. I would start by spacing out the dose over time. Like, say you take it in the morning first thing and then at night at bedtime. I would start by replacing ONE of those doses every day with the natural replacement, in this case, Hawthorn. I would probably replace the morning dose, so that all effects, positive or negative, could be easily observed during normal waking hours. The point being to keep from taking them together or overlapping these medications in your daily routine, so they don't wind up mixing. Be consistent with that. If you take it in the morning don't change it around, always take the same one in the morning and the same one at night.

Also KEEP A JOURNAL of your diet and remedies, I can't stress this enough. Its a record for you of everything you put into your body and every effect you experience. Be gentle and patient with yourself. In other words, take it slow and easy. If it were me, I would go ... probably one to three months at least, with this split remedy on a daily basis and see how well it is working before completely letting go of the prescription offender for good. It may take longer.

Then there's another issue: detoxing the old prescription medicine. Which, eventually needs to be faced. This means kidney/liver support, more than anything else. Drinking lots of water and eating well. Many times it is possible to identify a remedy that will CLEAR the old, offending toxic substance. I have found that essential oils applied TOPICALLY, work exceptionally well for this.

There is a lot more to say about kidney and liver support. Consider current, over the counter pain medications. I'm talking about Ibuprofen (Advil) and Acetaminophen (Tylenol). They are deadly for your liver and you may want to seriously consider giving them up. Totally. There are good options out there that work. The ones I use? Wild Lettuce (commonly found in a tincture/liquid form in most health food stores that carry remedies) and CBD (medical) Marijuana, which is legal in my state and is being found to be an extremely versatile wonder remedy. Including a remedy against the side effects of PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (especially for getting off them) and without the 'high' of regular recreational Marijuana use. There are also herbal remedies that work on controlling fever, another popular use for these pain medications.

I can list off many remedies for different things, but if you are interested in making a shift, consider investing in a decent herbal encyclopedia and get used to looking up symptoms on the internet and even asking advice from people in the know, such as those who work in the industry. I often seek out information on remedies from the people who work at the natural foods store, or from those who sell them. In most cases you would be surprised to find that they probably have a background in nutrition or herbal medicine that includes at least some formal education!

And back to my surprise, researching Warfarin/Coumadin and BLOOD CLOTS.

I've encountered these before!! Bigtime. They hurt like ...well. You get the idea. I've treated these before, and easily. By saying that I want my readers to understand that these issues are NOT some big mystery scary deal that has to have a doctor tell you what to do, the treatment is actually very simple and common sense. What works? Digestive Enzymes, better than any other remedy. Found at any health food store that sells natural medicine. Have these on hand for emergency and when you feel one happen, this is the remedy to take. Start with one and drink a decent amount of water, add more doses as needed. It works. A clot will break down anywhere from a matter of minutes to a few hours. I also highly recommend natural blood thinners taken on a daily basis - basically create a daily routine of taking Omega 3 oils once or twice a day, whether or not blood clots are an issue and especially if they are for you. Fish oil is the best one and the most easily digested and assimilated by the body. There are vegetarian Omega 3 and 6 options as well. All of these have a secondary positive effect on the Human BRAIN!! With literally NO side effects. Also Vitamin E works as an emergency blood thinner.

This issue is such a hopeless one in this day and age. To even KNOW that there are options. Most people have no idea that it is even possible to live without prescription drugs. I've been doing it for... over twenty years. I'm telling ya. The system has misled everyone. I myself have learned so much, and seen it proven over and over again. Let go of being intimidated.

Once when I was writing on a forum as a regular poster, someone asked me if I could handle emergency treatment with only herbal remedies. I can tell you honestly at this point that yes, I feel very confident that this is easily possible. From dealing with shock and trauma, pain, blood loss, poisoning/toxicity, severe allergic reactions and even convulsive/seizure disorders ... it is doable. Open your mind to the truth, what the status quo and big pharma don't want you to realize. Because you might just choose your own freedom instead of the limitted picture of life that they offer.

Good Luck!!

LR 1/9/2019

For Craig


Warfarin - Wikipedia

Pulmonary Embolism/Deep Vein Thrombosis

Hawthorn Berries Benefits

Take all of this just a wee bit further -
With more of my Healer background:

User Friendly Marijuana

A highly recommended and BRILLIANT Healer for this day and age: Anthony William. He has written four books: Medical Medium, Life Changing Foods, Thyroid Healing and Liver Rescue. Any of these books can be found on Amazon and he runs a Facebook chat group.

Edit/addition (1/12/2019), just saw this on Facebook:

$3.5 Trillion A Year: Is America's Health Care System The World's Largest Money Making Scam?

Saw this one today, 1/17/2019

Big Pharma's Worst Nightmare, Survey Finds Most Medical Pot Users Quitting Prescription Drug Use


Added 1/30/2019
How the Corruption of Science is Contributing to the Collapse of Modern Civilization
(specific attention on Big Pharma in this article)


Great post! Nice to connect with another natural medicine healer.

Thanks to my parents and grandparents, I've been interested in and using natural medicine since the 70s, before the FDA and the AMA ramped up their economic and legal war against them. I might very well not be here today without my own ongoing research into natural remedies.

And interestingly, my dad's interest was largely sparked by his own dad, a town doctor in East Texas, who recognized that allopathic medicine doesn't have all the answers, and regularly referred his patients to the local chiropractor for joint and muscular pain.

I'm glad that you've already been steered to our natural medicine community, which is vibrant and thriving, and your knowledge and passion are a welcome addition.


Posted using Partiko Android

I know what you mean about the possibility of not being here today without your own exploration of natural medicine!! Thanks for the support and the welcome! (I followed you)!

You're welcome!
Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

Dear lord, that's the freshest thing I've read in a LONG time. Resteem and 100% upvote for you.

Here in Texas, wharfarin has been approved for broadcast use as a poison for wild hogs. The concern is that the animals will die and rot into the water table or into a place where other animals will be poisoned by their carcass. But that's a side point.

It's so awesome to read something from someone that takes a holistic approach to healing! Not just one from a specialist that treats the symptoms and causes others that require a different specialist that'll have no regard for the first.

Are you on discord? You sound like exactly the kind of person we like in our Natural Medicine community discord server. When you post awesome things like this, use the #naturalmedicine tag so we can find you easier. This is an awesome post, thank you so much!

Can you recommend a herbal encyclopedia for others? Perhaps make a post about it? And maybe a resource to help find other people like you! I can't drive from Texas to Colorado for a doctor's appointment ;)


Wow! Thanks for the great input! I will look up the discord information and follow you. You are very welcome.

Thinking here about the herbal encyclopedia. I've got several ... there are many good ones. OK. My usual go to reference books are: The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants by Andrew Chevalier, National Geographic Desk Reference to Nature's Medicine, and Therapeutic Herb Manual by Ed Smith. Those Anthony William books I recommended at the end of the article are great also, they are mostly info on food as medicine there but he does make some references to herbal medicines and I'm very much in alignment with his approach to healing. Also there's a man I am watching on Facebook named Don Olsin who is planning on publishing an herb manual, he said March 2019 and I'm watching out for this one. Based on his Facebook posts, he is amazing.

I will definitely look at setting up more posts like this!! I'm sooo glad to have reached someone with this information, I feel that it is so important. Thanks again for your gracious reply! And inspiring me to keep up this train of thought for others.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge! This is great. And I recommend the naturalmedicine community highly! If I may suggest a post that you might be interested in making, it would be how and when to use colloidal silver. I am currently helping a patient (my son) who is struggling with recurring c-diff and am trying to supplement vancomycin with silver, since the first three week round of vanco didn't work. I'm shooting a bit in the dark here: when to introduce and which probiotics for instance. How long to continue the silver? etc. A few folks on steem are helping me with this already, but new ideas are certainly welcome. Welcome!

Thanks and you are welcome! Yes, I could write on colloidal silver ... thanks for the idea. I will have to research this 'vancomycin' you mention as it is not familiar to me. I am guessing it is an antibiotic, right? Just quickly... colloidal silver is not my first choice for an alternative antibiotic but it can work in combination with others. I would choose either, olive leaf (which is fairly gentle on the system) or grapefruit seed extract as my big gun! I would make the determination based on what you are treating for (I will research c-diff). Colloidal silver, in my experience, is exceptionally good for delicate tissue repair, like with lungs and eyes. Also it is known to cause the skin to discolor blue if used too long! Probiotics are always good, especially when using an antibiotic and there are many ... besides yogurt, I use Kambucha and also raw honey. Yeast is also probiotic! I will give these ideas some thought and see about putting an article together, there is a lot I can say about it. Thank you for commenting, also I am following you!

Antibiotic yes. I also use olive leaf and EOs as antibiotics (will look into grapefruit seed extract thx), and have ferments in many forms in the fridge, but this one beat me bad! It's impossible to find a GI who will guide us or even talk about alternative treatments as supplements. I've read silver is an excellent supplement to many low-tech antibiotics (except amoxicillin curiously) to combat anti-biotic resistant bacteria. https://www.thesilveredge.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf/BYU_study.pdf I know silver kept c-diff at bay while we struggled with the insurance company for eight days to get the only antibiotic known to have any effect, vancomycin at $3000 a pop retail.
We have to stop them. The field of gastroenteroloy is killing us all. I am working my tushy off here trying to show them they are wrong!!! The patient might keep ending up in the hospital, but he would be dead now if I'd let them have their way for another year.

Whew. In my opinion prescription antibiotics are so dangerous. For a few reasons ... one, the danger of antibiotic resistance in germs that's been happening, only getting worse and worse as modern medicine ignores this fact. Another thing I've learned is that synthetic antibiotics don't actually treat the problem. They... put the offending pathogen into some kind of dormant/locked in state in the body - the main concern is suppression of symptoms (vs. real healing). So that years later old infections can be sparked back to life. Herbal antibiotics are much more effective - they kill the offender and clear it from the body. I've been thinking a LOT about this as a writing subject since you first posted your initial reply. Thanks again. P.S. I read your poem and left you a comment! <3

and thanks for the follow! That's always a thrill.

You are welcome!

Have CS usage info in a pdf. Can reply with it if you email [email protected]

sent. check your spam as I often end up there. thanks!

Hahahaha whoops, thanks for picking up my slack @riverflows ;)

Nice to meet you @mymoontao and it's great to find someone that's encouraging people toward a healing process that's actually healing.

Be encouraged :)

https://discord.gg/XZxb53y ... here's the Discord link that @nateonsteemit meant to give you, but forgot on his JUSTIFIABLE enthusiasm for your Awesome post.. we would love to have you on board.


Awesome, thank you!

Okay, I'm there. I just need a little time to explore and get a feel for the place. Thanks so much for the invite!!

I love Hawthorne berries, just saw some yesterday still hanging here in Oregon, and those too have pentacles in their berries such as my post this morning on the Rowan.... interesting read, glad I found you, many times it's about the energy body and to know what will work or not. Ever heard of Donna Eden? Love her work, considering her training program right now....

this is one of my fav. daily routines....

Also side note, CBD oils can aid in transitioning. Because of it's adaptegen properties and enhancing most all pharmaceuticals , depending on source and if full plant extracts it can be used as a transition from pharmaceuticals to herbal remedies.

Wow... you are so lucky to have Hawthorn berries around! I don't think they grow where I'm at. Yes, glad to meet you. Also YES, so glad you mention CBD. I mentioned it but very briefly. I live in Colorado where MJ is legal and I know that CBD is an amazing healer, full of miracles. Just that ... I wanted to be careful just to slip it into my article without making a big deal out of it because I was aiming at conservative older people with this article subject and I know it can be such a turn off, although unfortunate. Actually I was in the system for a brief time six years ago with antidepressant medications and it was MJ that helped me get off them ... I don't think I could have done it otherwise. Thanks for commenting and I'm sure I will see you around.

Watching the video now!!

Another reason to end the big pharma problem! Pharmaceuticals in your drinking water.

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