Nicaragua in Crisis June 27th 2018

in #preppers6 years ago

Nicaragua 10.jpg

The attacks are gaining in strength. Everything in Leon is closed including the BanPro which is a government bank. They remain closed until further notice. This is the bank that most pensioners and workers receive their pay. The 30th is a payday here and there will be no money for the pensioners or the government workers.

There is no respect being shown for the churches. On Sunday the masses in the Cathedral in Managua were cancelled because the para-military groups had taken over the building and were threatening the parishioners. In Leon, groups of the president's supporters were going from church to church, defecating in paper cups and spreading it on the priest's robes.

Many of the other religious groups are complaining of being harassed. Prayer groups are being cancelled. Funerals are being kept small for fear of attacks. Last week a 15-year-old altar server was killed entering the church before services. Only the Old Cathedral in Leon has escaped the vandalism.

Medical care for the injured often lacks compassion. Ambulances are called meat wagons for a reason. Often times the ambulances won’t leave the centre of Leon. Medications are in short supply as are blood and IV fluids. Patients are asked to pay in advance for their bandages with no guarantee that there will be fresh ones available when they need them.

The hospitals no longer supply food for their inpatients. Often the dead lie in the street where they have fallen until family can retrieve them. People who die in hospital are left on the loading dock in the sun, next to the garbage.

Small planes are spraying chemicals over the smaller communities. At first, it was pesticides. Now I am not sure what it is as it doesn’t smell like any that I am familiar with. Fish in the fish farms are dying.

Managua is a war zone. There is no doubt about what is happening there. Masaya has more dead and injured as well. The reports just keeping coming mostly through 100%Noticias and their informers. The government radio and TV stations only report how pale and stressed the presidential couple are. 10 days ago, government supporters rounded up 20 foreign journalists, confiscated their equipment and escorted them to an undisclosed location. They have not been heard from since.

The government began forcibly removing the blockades resulting in more deaths and wounded left lying in the streets. Now the people are digging trenches across the streets to prevent Hilux pickups filled with armed men randomly shooting at homes and vehicles.

Babies are being born at the blockades because the mothers are not permitted to pass to go to the hospitals. Nothing passes the blockades. Now there are roving gangs armed with baseball bats and rocks stopping vehicles on the road and demanding money for safe passage.

On June 26th, the EU and UN delegations arrived in Managua. Since their arrival the violence has increased and shows no signs of letting up. There are no words to describe the carnage that is seen in the streets daily. The death count is fast approaching 300 in 70 days of political unrest, a civil war by any other name.


Lets pray this horror will stop !!!

We pray for this too. It is like a never-ending horror story.

Has this escalated in your rural area as well. What is to become of this war zone. Prayers to you and yours and everyone trying to do good and make sense of this obscene violence of the government towards the people. Am I understanding that correctly? It sounds as though there are also rogue gangs demanding money and likely causing harm. Prayers, Miracles, Blessings & Love. That you can weather through this immense storm. 😨🙏

There is no part of the country that has been left unscathed by the violence. And yes the violence against the people is from the government and their supporters. The marauding gangs are here now because there is the opportunity as there are no police. There is no law and order...We hope that we can make it through without being harmed...

I pray for peace to surround you. And, that you can get everything you need from the land do you can be out of harms way. This unrest must be so stressful for you to navigate. I can't imagine the turmoil you're living in my dear sweet friend. Praying for Nicaragua 🙏

Thank you, @yogajill. I appreciate the prayers.

I think of you often. Wondering how long it will be until government & it's supporters turn on the people elsewhere. Be safe friend. Much love, and grounding to you to have everything you need to weather this brutal storm.

Thank you, @yogajill. We are weathering as best we can. more posts tomorrow but we had our baby girl today at 4 pm and I haven't had any sleep for 36 hours. So, I hear my bed calling my name...

It sounds like a war film, you must be so scared hun. Wish i could do more to help you :(

I wish you could too, my friend. But it is what it is. It is like a bad movie. And I really don't want to know how it ends.

Its a very scary situation your in. I'm thinking if you all.

Thanks, Karen. I appreciate it.

We're praying for you and your country, my friend. So relieved that you and your family are safe but I was saddened by this. I hope and I pray that the UN will do its best to stop this nightmare. God bless you & your entire family, God bless your country @cecicastor.

Thank you, @shirleynpenalosa. I appreciate the prayers.

OMG, how horrific; I am so sorry. Sending prayers and love.

Prayers are appreciated. Thank you.

No cedan nicaraguenses, no permitan que les pase lo mismo que a nosotros los venezolanos.

Gracias por tu apoyo. Estamos peleando, pero muchos están perdiendo la vida por la avaricia y el poder.

So much for the UN.

But we knew that.

I wish I knew what the US was doing. So far, it doesn't appear to be much...

You are right. They are not doing much. The ambassador is still here but we don't hear a peep from her.

The U.N. are useless, this has been demonstrated over the last 20 years.
Looks like the situation may be coming to a fork in the road, of which could either get better or spiral into a decades long situation of turmoil.
Sounds bad...
Best wishes.

The EU and the UN are less than worthless. They want a dialogue and no-one came to the party. Surprise, surprise! It is not good but the general population are already tired of things the way they are and I think it will come to a head soon.

Hi @cecicastor,
What can we do to help you?
If you have $ at your disposal can you even buy medicine, supplies or food?
I can send medical supplies, if there is a way to get them into your hands...

Thank you, for the offer. Right now we have no way of receiving shipments of anything. We're not even getting mail into the country. When we are able I will make my needs known. The food run today was mostly successful. There were a few things we couldn't get be we will manage okay. The gardens are starting to produce and we have plenty of fruit on our trees this year. We also have a goat for milk for the children. So for this coming month, we are okay...

Oh wow. I am so glad to read this update but so sad to hear what is going on there. I am glad that you are okay and I will be praying for you guys and for Nicaragua. It's hard to imagine this kind of civil war.

It could happen anywhere at any time. We were prepared for something, we didn't know exactly what was going to happen or when and it happened faster than anyone had predicted.

Yes, it definitely could happen anywhere at any time. A lot of people don't realize that...

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