Nicaragua in Crisis (June 27th 2018)

in #preppers6 years ago


I thought that perhaps the readers would like a slightly different look at the crisis here in Nicaragua. The following article is taken from 100%Noticias and their correspondent, Jennifer Ortiz

What we see on the streets is one thing, but what is cooked behind closed doors is completely different. Although the police and some followers of Ortega continue to support him, he apparently no longer has options to continue governing a country, where 69% of the population demands his resignation, according to a CID Gallup poll.

The international rejection is enormous and the OAS, despite all the criticism that can be made to Almagro and his political blindness, as an organization created to protect democracy can not cover Ortega for a long time. Democratization is an imminent process. The domination that the ruling party imposed on all State institutions must be dismantled.

As a member of the OAS, the United States began to exert more direct pressure and we even saw how recently many government officials were canceled their American visas. Ortega knows that the next step could be to freeze his accounts abroad and have harsher sanctions that would leave him completely isolated and bankrupt.

It is known that he proposes to advance elections and here, it is important to make a small analysis. Accepting elections under a process different from the one that has been carried out in recent years, with new magistrates and with international observation, without using the resources of the State for its mega-campaigns and also in an unflattering context due to the loss of more than 80% of its bases, is to be clear that it has no minimum chance of winning. In a nutshell, it is to deliver power. But surrendering in these conditions and not resigning immediately as proposed by the Civic Coalition, is less humiliating to his ego of "brave guerrilla."

The American Embassy confirmed yesterday through a press release that an American team met with Ortega, and made it clear that they support the Episcopal Conference, which as we know has echoed the request of various sectors to demand the resignation of Ortega.

It is important to note that this man who met with Ortega, Caleb McCarry is an expert on transition issues that has already led a process of these in Cuba. The question is: Why an expert in transition? It is clear that Ortega is going to deliver.

Later, through the voice of Medardo Mairena, leader of the Peasant Movement, the media learned that this US commission also met with them and was expressed Ortega's proposal: "We were raised that Ortega is proposing to advance the elections, when we We are demanding his resignation, but if he is already saying that he is advancing the elections, he allows them to be supervised nationally and internationally, with all the guarantees because that is already an advance of the pressure that we have, however, we remain firm, because we can not follow that he continues to govern us because he keeps killing us. " Expressed Mairena.

Knowing this it is possible to understand some things that happen. The attacks on cities that burn mayors and government entities could have a background, preparing the ground for their departure without evidence of many anomalies previously reported by many Sandinista dissidents, besides wanting to buy time to think about which country could be exiled , it is very likely, judging by the mega dams installed in El Carmen, that he does not feel safe in Nicaragua, but his main allies like Venezuela and Cuba, are in a situation of famine, I do not think it is a good option for him .

What is not said openly, but filtered by good sources, is that Ortega asks for amnesty for himself, his family and a few Sandinista businessmen from his closest circle. He wants them to respect their capital and not to judge him later for corruption or crimes against humanity and take him to jail, which would be the fairest thing, but that's another story.

In its official media, defeat is already breathing. Many journalists, editors and cameramen comment on what is happening and smell that Ortega will leave them "hanging on the brush". Unfortunately, in the negotiations with the "empire", there are not so many places available in the list of amnestied.


Thank you for offering us this perspective. It's difficult to find accurate information in the US, it's still mostly not talked about here. People too busy getting upset about US politics. @ironshield

You are welcome. Most mainstream news outlets are not carrying the news. Ortega knows how to manipulate the media and keep the news from getting outside the country. So far he has been successful.

Stay safe. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Thank you. We are doing what we can...

This seems like encouraging news. If Ortega is bargaining, you may have a successful Revolution on your hands.

Now to pray for there to be restoration of a decent form of government instead of more of the same...

Continuing to pray for you and yours, @cecicastor.

What Ortega says and what he does is two different things. So far all we have seen is more violence. The UN and EU have so far been unsuccessful in getting him to even ease up on the violence.

Both those bodies are pretty notorious for being the parent who threatens time out when the kid is in a full-blown tantrum...:(

Yes, that describes them to a tea. So far talking has not accomplished anything as it is pretty difficult to hold a dialogue when no-one comes to the party. Ortega has been using his old playbook from his guerrilla days, only he has ramped up the violence and so far he has been effective against the people who are generally poorly educated fisherman or farmers. He knows how to keep the fear factor running high.

It must be so frustrating not to have the answers and like you said, even if Ortega would say something doesn't really mean that is what is going to happen. Which is even more frustrating.
Sorry to hear that nothing has improved so far and the violence it getting worse.
In my thoughts and prayers always.

Thank you, @joalvarez. It seems like a long time ago that we had a normal life. The constant threat of violence is wearing.

Yes. I bet it is.
Hopefully somehow, soon you will have your normal life and the whole Nicaragua.
Praying for you guys.

Thank you, @joalvarez. We have returned from our 9 hour supply run and I will post about this tonight or tomorrow. Right now I am tired...

howdy there @cecicastor and thank you for continuing to keep us uptodate
on the situation. Maybe Ortega will come to the table and negotiate something if he thinks his accounts will be frozen. what a mess!

No, he won't. He has been invited since the accounts were frozen and his daughter kicked out of Florida. He definitely received the invite to the party but he was a no show. Not surprising...

howdy @cecicastor what a disappointment.
he's a retard.

Keep you and your family safe @cecicastor. Praying for you and your country as well. ❤️

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