60 Million-Year-Old Half Truths and Burning of Forests
This video was originally published 30/8/2019

The Guardian out of the UK reporting, “Global Heating: ancient plants set to reproduce in the UK after 60 million years.” My first question was; how did these plants stay alive for 60 million years by themselves in the Isle of Wight? When this type of question was however asked, they were very fast to reason out, saying that they meant, there were male and female cones for the first time on record. So, is this truly the first time on record for the modern society? Also, don’t you think that 60 million years is a big jump?

They seem to be proud saying that these exotic plants have produced male and female cones outdoors in Britain for the first time in 60 million years; but people were not even categorizing this 5,000 years ago. Then of course, they had to put this on their story, “It is a strong indicator of climate change, says Chris Kidd, the curator of the Ventor Botanic Gardens.” I say, Chris needs to look back at the last interglacial.

I bet we can go ahead and look back even in the Medieval Warm Period, 900 AD to 1300 AD. I am not sure if there were number of botanists categorizing the presence of male and female cones in 900 AD, but perhaps there were, we are not just made aware of them.

Now, during the Medieval Warm Period, plant growth such as vineyards in France and Germany has current growing areas of about 560 meters in elevation, a little over 1,500 feet. On the other hand, in 1100 AD to 1300 AD the vineyards could be extended all the way up to 780 meters, which is a much higher elevation, about 2,300 feet in elevation. This implies that the temperatures were warmer by about 1 to 1.4 °C back then.

So, for these ancient plants reproducing after 60 million years and claiming that this is a response to climate change, you should check the last 4 Interglacials. If we go back in time, the yellow line representing the previous Interglacial 131,000 years prior, it looks like it was at least 2 to 3 degrees Celsius warmer than today. So, if these plants are truly responding to climate change, then these male and female cones were there back then as well.

We should look for other causations too, because it could also be possible that they are responding to the New Magnetic Polar Reversal that is on-going and is intensifying as we speak.

Also, during these last Interglacials, homo sapiens-sapiens had been around for 400,000 years, and they had the same brain capacity as anatomical humans of today. Do you think those people living 120,000 years ago, and having the same thinking capability and organizational skills as we do, just sat there for 10,000 years and did nothing?

I, for sure, am wondering what their cities looked like, or their power sources for pyramidal structures, or what entities and deities they worshipped.

Meanwhile, Brazilian rainforest deforestation is all over the media. You cannot turn a paper without seeing this. Again, these fires were blamed on climate change, but did you know that it is actually the Brazilian military lighting a lot of fires?
Anyway, look at this chart of the Annual Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. If you look back in 1995, the deforested areas were about 12,000 square miles; 2004 and 2005 were at more than 10,000 square miles, and then way over on the right side of the chart, that is a little more than 2,000 square miles, which is nowhere near close to the record.
So again, this is just about headlines and strategies to get you to accept the global carbon tax.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you would like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go throughout your day.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***
Global heating: ancient plants set to reproduce in UK after 60m years
exploration of anatomically preserved Cycadaceae seeds from the Jurassic Oxford Clay biota
Cycad produces male and female cone at Ventor Botanic Garden
North Atlantic climate c. AD 1000: Millennia1 reflections on the Viking discoveries of Iceland, Greenland and North America
Collapse in wine production was to be expected
Geologic Evidence of Recurring Climate Cycles and Their Implications for the Cause of Global Climate Changes — The Past is the Key to the Future
Area of Brazilian Rainforest Deforested
Interglacial comparison
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