Why Do Pregnant Mothers Look More Beautiful?

in #pregnant7 years ago



Pregnancy is a happy moment for women.

However, not infrequently women are not confident when being pregnant.

No wonder, when pregnant women will experience changes in the body.

In addition, pregnant women will also experience an emotional change because they feel less beauty.

A study conducted by the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands found that women tend to experience decreased self-esteem during pregnancy.

This is due to anxiety due to drastic changes in body shape.

In fact, this can continue six months after the baby comes to the world.

In fact, pregnancy will make the mother more beautiful you know.

Here's the explanation:

  1. The skin is more radiant

During pregnancy, many mothers feel inferior because of the appearance of black spots on the skin.

And when pregnant, the skin will look more radiant.

This is due to increased blood volume, as well as increased estrogen and progesterone hormones that make the face brighter and chewier.

  1. Lips are more dense

When pregnant, Moms lips will look fuller and reddish naturally.

Sherry Ross, M.D., ob / gyn, a women's health expert at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California says the increased blood volume makes the lips look more contained and flushed.

  1. Skin problems recover faster

When pregnant, the mother will experience some skin problems like acne on the face and back or dark spots are often disturbing.

However, the presence of the fetus will make the skin problem disappear faster.

  1. Hair is smoother and lustrous

The body's hormones in pregnant women will also affect the growth of the mother's hair.

The hormone progesterone causes an increase in oil glands in the scalp, so the hair looks thicker and shiny throughout the pregnancy.

  1. Nails stronger

Apparently not only hair, nails Moms will also experience significant changes when there is a fetus in the stomach.

This is influenced nutrition and vitamin content consumed during pregnancy so that make nails healthier and not easily fragile.

Changes are normal natural mother while pregnant, everything will gradually normal after Moms gave birth.