Prayer Request Weekly Summary 5/28 - 6/3

in #prayer-request6 years ago

Hi folks, many of you may be aware that I post a daily prayer request thread, have decided to do a weekly thread summarizing the specific none general requests of each past week for those who may have missed some of the requests and also to help maintain in prayer.

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Thanks for praying brethren! God blesses abundantly those who pray and support those in need..

Matt. 18:19 - "if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."

If you have a prayer request visit my blog @wilx for the latest Daily Request post.

Also fellow believers visit the christian-trail forum tag (click tagged below) daily to support your fellow brethren's posts, click on New in the menu at the top to see the latest posts, also tag christian-trail to your christian related posts for max viewing and upvote support by the brethren.

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” - Galatians 6:10

The requests, from oldest to newest:

@creyestxsa94: Please help us pray for our evangelism to be successful. :) We just conducted a Vacation Bible School to the kids last week. And now, we are giving them school supplies. But it is not just giving supplies. It is also ministering and evangelizing and winning souls for God. :) Help us pray that all of them will be saved.

@tedgoodwin: Prayers for Gabe who is dealing with health issues. Doctors don't know what is going on.

@shirleynpenalosa: Let's continue to pray for all the participants of the MOVE, a youth retreat where my daughter is one of the participants. Pray for revival and transformation as they will all be equipped to do the greatest commission and that is to share the gospel :-)❤️

@master-minds: Pray for financial freedom.

@breakthrough: Pray for deep rest, wisdom, and vision for my family and myself entering into the Summer - generally more of a pull back time in our responsibilities

@praise-eu: Nath is My bossom friend and brother. His wife just went to be with Lord. Pray for brother Nath and the kids. He is heart broken.

@enjoywithtroy: I would ask for continued prayers for my mother and the house fire we had. We have a lot of gratitude blessings tears and expenses it's been quite the experience and when I get back home to Davenport I will log on it please please our prayers thanks it's particularly tough on my mother who is 87 soon-to-be 88 again thanks.




Thank you for the prayers. :) The distribution of school supplies to the kids was a SUCCESS!! :)

Praise God!

Congratulations. Prayer works

@tedgoodwin The health issue is gone. You are healed in Jesus name.

It is wonderful to know that we have a God who answers our prayers.

Excellent publication I have the conviction that prayer is the most powerful tool that man has towards God. When the people of God are convinced of this, undoubtedly God opens the heavens, we have lived it, we are testimony of this great promise: "Cry out to me and I will answer you." prayer is a source of power, and the greatest action of faith. Thank you for this beautiful action. God will reward the great men of faith as he did in antiquity. Blessings and thanks for sharing the greatest example of action that God gave to his people: prayer.

Amen.. God bless..

It is my prayer that as many that has taken time to seek for support through prayers on this platform that your faith will make you comforted and whole in Jesus' name.

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