Since God knows Everything,Why Should We Pray?

in #pray7 years ago

We are the disciple of almighty God. He (God) knows everything. In the powerful work, Giving Ourselves to Prayer.I mention that Almighty is part of the fabric of the Bible: “ first mentions that ‘men began to call on the name of the Lord,’ and Revelation closes the Bible with the prayer, ‘Come, Lord Jesus'. The entire history of redemption is framed in prayer.
Why do we pray? Here are a few key reasons:

  1. We depend on God. He is our creator, He is our life. Through prayer, we receive his(God) love, happiness, the comfort, strength, and all the other resources we need in life, both naturally and spiritually. Prayer—relationship with God—is as necessary to the spiritual life as air is to the natural life.
  2. Prayer allows us to resist temptation. Jesus warned His disciples to “watch and pray, lest you enter into enticement”. Living a life except prayer can leave us weak and exposed, giving an opportunity for the foe to gain ground and potentially tempt us into sin.
  3. We love Him. Just as a man and woman in love desire to be together and communicate, so we, if we love our God, will desire to be with Him and to fellowship with Him in proportion to our love for Him.
  4. Prayer is essential for people to invite God to act in salvation. God gave the earth to Adam and his descendants, so we must invite our God to work here. If nobody invites Him to work on earth, Lucifer—the “god of this age” because of humanity’s universal rebellion will dominate human affairs, and eventually, the judgment of God will come. By inviting God to mediate often and specifically, multitudes can save who would otherwise be lost.
  5. God orders us to pray. “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with gratefulness”. Jesus also had inspired His followers to pray: “Then He [Jesus]had spoken a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart”
    The need to pray is as great as the authority of God, who orders us to “pray except ceasing” Prayer is so vital to all that He (God) wants to do on the earth, and it is so important to us, that He orders us to do it all the time. We should even deny ourselves food and sleep at times to pray more and with greater power.
    In our prayer, only God helps us and protects us from all kind of dangers.

A. "Prayer is so vital to all that He (God) wants to do on the earth, and it is so important to us, that He orders us to do it all the time."

God is all powerful, why does he need us to do it? He could just make it so.

B. "God gave the earth to Adam and his descendants, so we must invite our God to work here. "

If god made the earth, and is all powerful, how is it that he needs an invite to work here??

C. "The need to pray is as great as the authority of God"

Really?? I've heard that nothing is as great as god.

D. "if we love our God, will desire to be with Him and to fellowship with Him in proportion to our love for Him."

People that pray 10 times/day love god more than people that only pray one time per day?

Our creator almighty God has power to do everything in any time in any situation.. Although having as such power he doesn't make us bound to do anything because his abundant love for his creations. He has given us sense/conscience so that we may feel his love and we may do what he(God) wants from us and we may understand the different of good and bad things.. Our father doesn't want to force us because where is forcing there is lacking of love..

" Our father doesn't want to force us because where is forcing there is lacking of love.."

I've always wondered, if he loved us so much, he invented eternal torture (hell). It seems like a pretty forceful threat 'Love me/do what I say or I'll torture you forever'.

Listen man... what will your father do if you do same mistakes again and again and if you do crime continuously. "!?? Shall your father reward you to do the crime and mistakes again so that you may be the reason of dying thousand of people...!!? God created the eternal torture place not to torture us but make us afraid so that we may not be the reason of disturbing or killing others peace.. And you will not understand good things if you don't see bad things..

Uhhhh, god created eternal torture just to make us afraid? Not to actually use on people?

Also, my father would never eternally torture me. No matter what I did or didn't do.

Also, last I heard, God's not against the dying of thousands of people.

your father will not torture you eternally...!! okay you can prove it by yourself by doing mistakes against your father again and again then we will see what your father do.!! of course God is not against dying of thousands people .. There are also reason. okay I hope your so kind and gentle, now if any beggar or any robber group ask for meal and ask shelter whom will you wish to give? on the other hand whom will you give honest person or dishonest person who always do mistakes again you and harm your life as well as others.. that time you will want to punish him okay little boy. try to understand don't see only the cover try to see insight.

I know that MY father would never even dream of torturing me for a minue much less eternally.

But your god invented eternal torture, and is willing to eternally torture countless souls.

One doesn't even need insight to see how profoundly horrible that is.

"of course God is not against dying of thousands people .. "

He's not against eternal torture either.

Haha.... yeah He isn't against eternal torture.. I think you know better than me why God isn't against eternal torture.....!!

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