Townsville's Swanky Power Couples

This piece of Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles fan art is dedicated to BestieBosya, Naelsya, Antonio132, COTTONTAILQwQ, Miskeey, Shintoism, TanteTabata, 7ix, KingDeDeDevious, Abrigedfoamy, Agu-Fungus, HetterRos, Jazzcat00, TheStupidFox, BeeWinter55, sammychan816, eclipticlily, gtbao97, AdmiralPit, moonlyt143, MissEmmyJay, buumchubles, teeteealixo, Rasmussen891, Oeildechat, Sew3r-Gat0r, CHAOS-CHAOS-CHAOS, kyrtuck, jvhamhalo, Mimidorika, Garabatoz, LollyKittyPaws, DragoniaX, HolyGlob, fanfics4ever, ABD-illustrates, AwkardOddOne, Wickfield, chacckco, Koku-chan, Dwaynimations, Skanneri, OMundoDeThon, Eleanorose123, AmandaHenriquez, tjota, Whyboy, CyborgNekoSica, RexDevourerOfSouls18, xeternalflamebryx, DarkBane95, SouthJerseySam, ITBluebeadTI, transformers3roxCB, Toonman1508, xmysticaldreamsx, MoofCookie, girlpower249, Puffjaved02, Catherine-Cathy, superkeegan9100, RailToonBronyFan3751, cmara, Chopfe, eyugho, NagisaSenpai128, Averylilith, AwesomeAddison, Mama-Monstrosity, jajuruns90rebels, YndaAB, Paula4679fangirl, COMICGIRL1155, EUGENETICS, SamiBubblesPPG, Stormy-Gurl, thisCCchik, W3st3rnM0n3T, I-see-no-Bottle, Juliahtf, Wordgirlserenity67, amantepokemon, Landsverk96, SXEZC, StellasStar, little-ampharos, Siberean12, SethMendoza, and TF-KidoNightmare who celebrated their birthdays ranging from a month ago all the way up to today.

So, I hope you all had magnificent and beautiful birthdays and I wish you a lot of love, joy, prosperity, and strength in your lives as artists and as people.

Wie man auf deutsch sagt, ich hoffe ihr hattet wundervollen und schönen Geburtstage und ich wünsche euch viel Liebe, Freude, Wohlstand und Kraft in euren Leben als Künstler und als Menschen.

Como se dice en español, espero que hayaís tenido cumpleaños maravillosos y bonitos y os deseo mucho amor, alegría, prosperidad y fuerza en vuestras vidas como artistas y como personas.

Comme on dit en francais, j'éspère vous avez anniversaires merveilleuses et bonnes et je vous souhaite beaucoup d'amour, de joie, de prosperité et de force dans votres vies comme artistes et comme personnes.

Come se dice in italiano, spero che voi avuto compleanni magnifici e belli e vi auguro molto amore, gioia, prosperitá e forza nelle vostre vite come artisti e come persone.

This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles shippers from all over the world. Sit back, relax, and soak in that Blossoomer purity, that Brickercup strength, and that Butchubbles lovability.

Here we have 30-year-olds Boomer, Brick, and Butch with their 28-year-old wives Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles being Townsville's fashionable and gorgeous-looking power couples ever. They say it is important to dress to impress, but for these superheroes constituting Team Xtreme, it is best to dress in order to demonstrate confidence, high self-esteem, and oodles of positivity.

This is the result of combining Boomer's and Blossom's classy nobility, Brick's and Buttercup's rambunctious feistiness, and Butch's and Bubbles' pretty lovability. On top of that, these would be the clothes they would wear to very special events and even all twenty-four children's parent-teacher conferences.

Being the classy couple Boomer and Blossom are, they would go for more style and elegance no matter what special occasion they go to be it an opera, a concert, a museum visit or very special events.

As the sporty and strong couple, Brick and Buttercup love to wear something that does reveal a bit of skin but not that much and would flaunt their style when they go to matches in football, rugby, cricket, basketball, wrestling, mixed martial arts, softball or baseball.

Given that Butch and Bubbles are the opposites-attract couple, they enjoy a huge variety of activities going in their get-up ranging from comic conventions to monster truck rallies to dates in the cinema mostly focusing on horror, shonen and shojo anime, and the occasional rom-com. It also helps that Butch loves displaying his awesome biceps to Bubbles, which she is a complete fan of.

I hope you all endeavored to enjoy this fabulous line up of my most beloved OTPs of all time and I will see you in the next submission. Take care and stay safe, everybody.

Boomer, Blossom, Brick, Buttercup, Butch, and Bubbles from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
Townsville's Swanky Power Couples.jpg

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