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RE: Potpourri: Farmpunk, A Turkey Roast, and Narrative Jail

OK, so I've seen this term "farm punk" around heaps... so I have to profess my innocence and ignorance.

What is this "farm punk" of which you speak?

Is it like a cross between Neuromancer and Old Yella? I don't understand. Cyberpunk I get. Steampunk I get. But farm punk....?!?

Please explain.


Is it like a cross between Neuromancer and Old Yella?

Good way to describe it. You can say it's cyberpunk on a farm. Or, rather, cyberpunk with farm culture thrown in.

The punk genres have splintered into a variety of flavors - dieselpunk, biopunk, nanopunk, splatterpunk, etc. Farmpunk is the newest. Here are a couple of sample stories:

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