Power Down Alerts #1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #powerdownalerts2 years ago (edited)

This account was created based on disappointment with the behavior of the Country Representative lately. CR, which should be an exemplary example in doing power-ups, is the worst example to follow. As a Steemit user who always tries to return the value of Steem to the moon, It is very disappointing.

Steemit Guard.jpg

Vision and mission:

  1. The presence of this account is expected to reduce/reduce the number of hidden blackouts.
  2. To make it easier for the Steemit, CR, or Mod team to monitor the activities of Steemit users.
  3. To help the Steemcurator account owner team not to make mistakes in user voting.

I've done more in-depth research on power down and found the following data!

Feedback for Country Representatives and Moderators

Country Representative is an honorable label given by the Steemit Team. Please don't stain this label. Country Representative is a role model for all Steemian both in their country and other Steemian.

The example referred to here are examples

  1. In terms of doing power-ups,
  2. In Club Status,
  3. In doing Burnsteem25,
  4. In providing education to newcomers,
  5. In promoting Steem
  6. In the comments
  7. In voting

Please don't destroy the value of Steem and the trust given by powering down. Please keep the trust and power given! There are lots of Steemians out there who want your position today and want to contribute their best version to the Steem ecosystem.

Data of Country Representatives who are doing power down

NoAccount NameCountry
7@randulakolarageSteem Srilanka

Data of Community Moderator who are doing power down

NoAccount NameCommunity Mod
1@riska-amandaBusiness Activity
2@fpl-gorillaEnding Plagiarism
3@esteban85Steem Sport
4@mirzamgSteem Sea

Community curation account are currently power down

NoAccount NameCommunity namecommunity Founder name
1@campusconnectngcampus connect@whitestallion
2@steemitfoodsSteemit Food@alikoc07
3@steem-sri.lankaSteem Srilanka@randulakolarage
4@steemit-turkiyeSteemit Turkiyee-r-k-a-n

Steemit users who often get votes from the Steemit team who are doing power down

NoAccount NameCountry

Developers who often get voices from the steemit team who are doing power down

NoAccount NameWhat was developed
1@etainclubAVLE Dapp

I have presented the data as is by the research that has been done. I'm sorry if the data I convey hurt your feelings. We love Steem, and Steemit. We hope you to stop the power down that is being carried out. It is because this will have an impact on the value of Steem.

I will continue to do my best to keep Steemit and Steem by the name of this account. And the three things I will continue to do are:

  • Reporting power downs made by all CR, Moderators, and Steemians who often get votes from Steemit team accounts (Steemcurator and booming accounts)
  • Detect Plagiarism
  • Make educational posts

We love Steem. Let's take Steem to the moon together!

Special mention:



@weisser-rabe ist es so einfach hier votes zu bekommen ??? hier schreibt jemand irgendwas was total gelogen ist und springen hier drauf und voten so eine lüge. ihr macht euch doch mit euren Vots selbst unglaubwürdig. was los mit euch. ich stell hier einfach ne Behauptung rein ziehe irgendwelche Namen in den Dreck und werde auch noch belohnt dafür. ich glaube jetzt ist es Zeit die Plattform zu verlassen hier dreht im Moment jeder durch. trauriges ende von steemit..

Hi Erkan, jetzt von meinem privaten Account: ich weiß, Deine Frau hatte mir die Geschichte erklärt. Ich habe Dich im Post nicht als "Sündenbock" gefunden. Du bist extra nicht als Account markiert worden, sondern lediglich als Gründer der Community. Das fand ich soweit korrekt. Insgesamt ist der Post auch eine gute Sache, weil er auf ein Problem aufmerksam macht, das vielen Usern Sorgen bereitet. Wenn Du Dich dennoch falsch dargestellt fühlst, kommentiere doch direkt an den Postersteller - der Account wurde extra dafür eingerichtet, um hier Klarheit zu verschaffen. Niemand will Dich beschuldigen. Andere Ungenauigkeiten wurden auch bereits editiert.

vielen Dank, das mein Name da steht macht mich derzeit echt nicht glücklich. Es ist und so kann ich das auch verstehen alles bisschen durcheinander mit unserer türkischen Gruppe aber so ist es nun mal. Es wurden einfach die falschen Leute unterstütz. Die sich jetzt auch wegen der weltweiten Krise alles auszahlen lassen. Das kann ich auch verstehen. Nur, wenn große Witnesse hier mit wenig Geld für einen Server ca. 100€ im Monat sich einen Haufen steems sichern und diese auch monatlich und Regelmäßig auszuzahlen was mit Unkosten-Deckung nichts mehr zu tun hat stell ich alles in frage... Auch diesen Post...
Und auch alle steemcuratoren die das dulden. Sorry aber es läuft viel größerer schaden hier wo sich die curratoren drum kümmern sollten als diese in Gänsefüßchen kleinen fische..

Ich verstehe total, daß Du Dich nicht gut fühlst damit. Und daß die Situation blöd ist und Du gerade die ganze Welt hassen magst. Alles okay. Aber wir können nicht alle Probleme auf einmal lösen - wenn überhaupt. Laß uns schauen, daß @steemit.guard den Eintrag so editiert, daß es keine Mißverständnisse mehr gibt?

steemit-turkiye is not my account why you lying it is the account from habercitr and svm038 and ispin. dont lie here. it is not my so why you write this

We appreciate you good job! Thank you for sharing this information for us..


This post has been upvoted with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @ridwant

Please make sure that the information given here is correct. in my case they are not. dragging a name through the dirt seems easy here how do you fix it.

As I understood in the post you are named as the founder of Turkish Community but not as person who is powering down.

i open this community but mr @habercitr make the account. this is the true and he sells this account to @svm08 and she sells back. look my post pls


Öncelikle sürekli olarak hırsızlık yaptılar lafını bir kenara bırak artık, yaşından başından utan. Bu güne kadar birşey demedim ama, haddini aşıyorsun. Kİmse hırsızlık yapmadı, hak eden hak ettiğini aldı. ve herkes hesabını dilediği gibi kullanmakta özgürdür. Sen her zaman yaptığın gibi uzaktan seyretmeye devam et, sıra sanada gelecek merak etme.

no it says "Community curation account are currently power down" this is not my curration account.

Hello friend
I am the admin of Steem for better life, you need to know that miftahuddin is not an admin or moderator in our community since 3 months ago

It's been edited.

I see some users escape your eyes, I think there will be a second post later

Thank you for your hard work by doing many research for this report. It's a difficult job.

This is a one-time notice about a free service on steem.
There are communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like ours, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out. https://plu.sh/altlan

Detecting #POWERDOWNS alone ist futile and sucks , are You ideological ?
If You cant buy with Your Steem , #WHYHAVEIT !!!
Instead searching for someone to blame You must better understand , on #STEEM everyone You do not promote is a loss for You and for all, #GOTME ?
Why is this blamegame still attractive to You ???


@udabeu denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@udabeu thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

I think that this article you have prepared is a post prepared purely for the purpose of getting votes. I informed the curators that I would resign as Turkey representative and power down because of my personal problems.

We have many friends here, everyone is free, who prepare quality articles and get votes. There's no point in defaming accounts just because they're getting votes from the curator.

The purpose of the writers here is to provide additional income, no one should be underestimated because Power down is doing this. This is a very wrong thought.

I have tried hard to support the platform for years, if I solve my personal problems, I will continue, but this article bothered me as it bothered many people.

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