What is Green House Effect?

in #power6 years ago

Typically, high latitudes in temperate countries, a typical glass house, made for the production of vegetables, is called the green house or the green house , which normally allows the sun's incoming microwave to enter, but does not allow the solar radiation of the reflective long waves to come out in any way, As a result, the temperature in this room is trapped and the temperature inside the room increases Growing plants and vegetables or to become eligible for.

The world's atmosphere is still behaving like a green house. Returns to the surface of the Sun by radiation, 34% (2% from the surface of the earth, 7% from the atmosphere, and 25% from the clouds). The radiation is reflected by clouds, dust, and so on. This natural phenomenon of returning from sunlight to Earth is called Albedo. This reflected albadena can not heat the Earth's atmosphere in any way, so it plays a great role in maintaining the balance of the Earth's heat. But for the last several decades, some gas and other materials (carbon dioxide, methane, hydro bass, nitrogen oxide etc) in the atmosphere are holding the temperature of the earth as glass walls of the greenhouse. Because these gases also allow the sun's incoming micrometer to enter the greenhouse glass, but the reflective long wave albedo is completely blocked out. As a result, the temperature in the earth, including the atmosphere, is increasing, the average temperature is increasing gradually. This event is called Green House Effect.
The names and their sources of different greenhouse gases: Greenhouse effect or various sources of greenhouse effect and their sources are as follows -

  1. Carbon-dioxide:
    Source- Burning of forest resources, volcanoes, organic fuels, woodland
    Destruction, land-use methods, etc.
    Source- wetlands, natural gas and oil extract, biosarms, paddy
    Production, livestock etc.
    3.Nitrous oxide:
    Source: forest, grass, sea, soil, fertilizer, biosocial, biofuel etc.
    4.Clorofluorocarbons (CFC):
    Source- Refrigerators, Aerosol Spray, Foam, Colors etc.
    Source - Naturally caused by oxygen from the sun's light
    And artificially created from the manufacture of photoelectric wash.
    Greenhouse effect in the atmosphere / Growth of greenhouse gases increases gradually: The causes of Greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and the increase in the amount of greenhouse gas are as follows -
    Increasing the amount of fossil fuels: Increasing the amount of fossil fuel burning in the field of factories, vehicles, electricity production is increasing day by day, and the amount of carbon dioxide emissions is increasing day by day.
  1. Increase the use of chemical fertilizers: Increasing nitrogen oxide gas due to the use of nitrogen fertilizers (eg urea) in agriculture.
  2. Deforestation: Due to the depletion of plants, the absorption of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is decreasing.
  3. Amount of methane increased: The amount of methane gas produced from waste of plants, agricultural waste and animal waste was also increasing gradually.
    Result of Greenhouse Effect: The result of Green House effect or Green House effect is as follows -
    Increasing Earth's average temperature: As the green house effect in the atmosphere increases, the Earth will become the warmest in the last 200 million years. Between 1880 and 1986, the temperature of the Earth increased by 0.6 ° C. By 2030 the temperature of the Earth can be increased to 2.5 ° C and 3.8 ° C by 2050. It should be noted that in the last century than the last 20000 years the world's warmth has increased. In the two chapters of the twentieth century (i.e., 1920-1945 and 1976-2000 CE), the warmth increased the most. Since the year 1861, the world's warmest decade was in the 1990's. According to NASA Goddard Institute for Spain Studies, 2005 was the warmest year in the history of the world. But according to the World Meteorological Institute and Climate Research Institute, the warmest year was the year 1998 and the second warmest year was in 2005.Melting the poles of the poles: This results in the speed of the equatorial and polar regions increasing rapidly. It is believed that within 100 years, all ice in the summer of Kumaru will be converted into ice. There will be little snow in winter.Increased sea level rise: Increasingly, the impact of the greenhouse currently affects sea levels of 30-40 cm. As a result, a large part of the coastal area (including West Bengal, Bangladesh) is likely to sail under the sea.Increase the incidence of disease: Malaria, Goda, cholera dengue will increase; Due to the increase of water the mosquito will grow. More different diseases will return, new diseases will come.Destruction of ecosystems will reduce the amount of alkali in the ocean, so that ecosystems will be destroyed after the existence of the living organisms disappears.
    Changes in the nature of the weather: Increasing the temperature increases the amount of precipitation, storm surge, etc. The number and power of cyclones will increase gradually. The rainy areas will continue to grow from the equatorial region to the poles. As a result, the nature of the weather will change.
    Harvesting of crops: Weather changes will result in loss of crops and production will be reduced.Besides, Forests will be destroyed; Infections in drinking water will occur; Decrease in number of wildlife; Human habitat crisis will occur, Diet will be visible around the world, Places of erosion; Get it. Together, the new geographic, social, economic and political problems in the world will be stronger than demonstrating.
    Ways to Control the Green House Effect: The ways of controlling greenhouse effect are as follows -
    A) Reduction of fossil fuel use: Factories such as factories, vehicles, electricity production should control the quantity of fossil fuel in order to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions as much as possible.
    B) Reduces the use of chemical fertilizers: Increasing the amount of nitrogen oxide gas in the field of nitrogen fertilizer (eg urea) is increasing. Immediately the use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture will be reduced as far as possible.
    C) Reduces the amount of methane emissions: Increasing the amount of methane gas produced from plant decay, agricultural waste and waste of animal origin. All these sources of methane should be controlled immediately.
    D) Increase the use of uninterrupted energy: Unstable power refers to the energy sources that can be renewed, ie they can be redone, but can be re-created. The use of fossil fuel is increasingly increasing the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. As a result the environment is under threat. Studies have shown that the use of alternative energy instead of conventional fossil fuels will reduce the amount of greenhouse gas (such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, ozone) in the atmosphere. As a result, environmental pollution will be reduced considerably. In recent times, discussions are increasingly being discussed on the increase in the use of this non-renewable energy. These traditional forces are solar energy, wind power, hydropower, biogas, biodiesel, tidal energy, geothermal energy, waste from waste, nuclear energy.
    E) Stop import of e-waste or electronic waste: In our country, import of various types of e-waste or electronic waste from the developed countries. Thus, every year about 600 million used (second hand) computers are being sent to the third world. One of the top buyers of these computers - China, India & other developing countries, including Bangladesh. That is, third world countries are being indirectly transformed into electronic waste of developed countries. Among these e-waste, thousands of tons of lead & many toxic components are causing serious damage to the environment. In addition to increasing the effects of greenhouse effect in these polluted waste materials, it is also one of the reasons for the loss of agricultural resources, fisheries and forest resources.
    F) Planned forests: Forests are the major antidote to greenhouse effect worldwide. On the one hand, it is possible to control the global greenhouse effect by preventing deforestation and, on the other hand, by planting planes.
    G) Powerful Housing: In our lifetime we will have to think about the problem of environmental protection. For the construction of large buildings, houses or buildings, you will have to keep the empty places needed. It is easy to use natural light-and-air access, so that the use of green building technology has become essential in reducing the use of electricity, heating, generators, air conditioners, to reduce the amount of electric lights. Besides building the city, construction of village houses also requires electricity-saving greening.
    H) Quick realization of environmental protection agreements: Fast real implementation of contracts with the increasing greenhouse effect in the world is very important. Not just talk, fast and practical implementation of the ideas that are needed.
    I) Use alternative & environmentally friendly products to emphasize the use of alternative and environmentally friendly products of greenhouse effect.
    J) Citizen's Responsibility: The basic responsibility of citizens to protect the environment. So, the greenhouse effect should be responsible for the elements that are produced in less quantity in the environment.
    The new technology is the latest answer to the impact of the Green House effectiveness. The innovation & implementation of new technologies, including the conversion of components used in thermal power plants.

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This is very improtant for us

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Green house effect is not gas but gas in there.

This is very important for us

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