in #power7 years ago

                                                       Notes of Wisdom


   Belief is a miracle worker! There is genuine magic in believing!

   With our thinking and believing we can develop a fortune!

   No matter how you use the power of belief, it will produce with great results!

   Thought is the original source of all wealth!

   It is our thoughts, that make or break us! 

   Shakespeare” there is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so!”

  Hard work does not bring success, for many work hard and aren’t successful!

   Think and believe your desire into existence! 

   The successful people in history have succeeded through their thinking!

   Our hands are just helpers to our brains!

   Let your desire be an all obsessing one, when it is, you’ll receive it!

   Again, I tell you, whatever desire you continue to pursue, you’ll have! 

   The key to our desires manifesting into our lives, is in our persistence!

   If we meditate on a desire day and night, that desire will come into fruition!

   The powerful force of believing will propel you to your desired goal!

  Clarify your desire with all specificity, so that you’ll get exactly what you want! 

  Do not conform to the mediocracy of those around you!

  Be different, be different by having specific and profound goals!

  Be different, be different by visualizing your goals on a consistent basis!

  You must be fixated on your goals!

  Those who keep their goals fixated in their minds, will attain them!   

  Your continual thoughts will attract that upon which it is directed! 

  Job was continually fearing, and what he feared the most, actually took place!        

  Fear thoughts will attract to you negative results!

  Positive thoughts will attract to you positive results!

  Again, your continual thoughts will attract that upon which it is directed!

  The thoughts you habitually meditate on, will create after it’s kind! 

  Oh what power your mind has!

  The power of your mind can attract into your life anything you meditate on!

  Oh what power the mind has!

  Thoughts produce great results through it’s constancy, intensity, and power!

  The Austrian, Sigmund Freud, believed there was a powerful force within us!

  The ancients called this force the spirit! 

  Paracelsus called this force the will!

  While others have called this force the sub conscious or the super conscious!

  Whatever we might call this force, it is recognized as the essence of life!

  The limits of it’s power, of this force’s power, are unknown! 

This force that lies within us gives us insight and the ability to receive miracles!

The most effective method of using this force, is done by visualizing our goals!

Visualizing your desires is the first part, the second, is believing they’re yours!

This force comes full throttle when it is mixed with both, visualization and belief! 

Visualization without belief, is referred as dozing off or daydreaming!

Visualization without belief, has no power to produce results!

Visualization with a constancy and intensity of belief, will produce results!

Visualization mixed with belief, sets the whole law of attraction into operation! 

French physician Gustav Geley, the author of “From the Unconscious to the Conscious” wrote, there is no artist, man of science, or writer of any distinction, who is not aware by personal experience of the unequal importance of the sub conscious. He also wrote, the best results in life were obtained by a close harmony and cooperation between the conscious and subconscious mind!      

The conscious mind is the source of thought, while the subconscious mind is the source of power! We use the conscious mind for everyday affairs, but if we want to achieve results that are almost beyond belief, then we must tap into the power source of the subconscious! 

The fuel that allows the subconscious to function at powerful levels, are patience and absolute faith!


Theodore Simon Jouffroy, the french philosopher said” the subconscious mind will not take the trouble to work for those who do not believe in it!

To properly get the powerful result that you desire from the subconscious mind, you must see the work as already been accomplished! In other words, your present visualization of your desire, should be seen in a past tense state of mind as already done and already yours! You must see yourself as already being successful, even while that belief has not manifested! During this whole process, you must understand the value of patience!

Repetition of the same thoughts and repetition of the same chants is what leads to belief! And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen! The law of suggestion are thoughts and words that are frequently being presented to both the conscious and subconscious mind. This law of suggestion can be harmful if you’re consistently hearing and are consistently  thinking about negative circumstances! But on the other hand, it can be very advantageous to you and those around you, if you are consistently hearing and are consistently thinking about positive situations! Think and declare good times and watch how good starts pouring into your life in all kinds of ways! It’s the continual thought, the continual chant, that brings to you what you have been meditating on, wether good or bad! Tell yourself that you are rich and healthy! Speak and think blessings continually, and watch how blessings continually manifest in your life. Be mindful of what you repeatedly think and say over yourself and over others! 

Money is always sensitive and always runs to cover when fear suggestions begin to circulate! Again, MONEY is always sensitive and always runs to cover when fear suggestions begin to circulate! If people would realize this secret, that it is with their own fear thoughts that they create hard times! When you think hard times, then hard times will follow! 

Dr. Walter Dale Scott believes, that success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude rather than mental capacities!       




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