Do You Seek Power and Control Due to Your Own Insecurity?
Are you seeking power and control because you feel insecure? Do you find yourself making excuses to justify your behavior? If you do, you're likely not the only one who feels insecure. People who put themselves last in relationships and at work may be seeking power and control because they're insecure themselves. This type of behavior is often the result of trauma, such as a bombing presentation in middle school or being rejected by your parents when you were a child.
Acknowledging insecurity is an important first step to finding a positive way to cope with it. Recognizing your defense mechanisms is important because it sets the stage for reclaiming power and control in your life. By identifying and accepting your insecurities, you'll be more likely to build confidence and move forward. Self-love goes a long way in helping you overcome your insecurities.
People with a neurotic need for power tend to be overbearing. They're usually the ones who bully colleagues in the workplace or trolls on social media. They are also prone to scheming and manipulating other people. This is because they fear personal limits and helplessness. As long as they have the power to dominate others, they'll view people as opportunities to exert power and influence.
If you're a control freak, you may feel the need to prove yourself and to exert power over others. It can also be a symptom of a more serious psychological issue, such as anxiety or personality disorders. The need to exert control can lead to a destructive behavior that damages relationships and may even have serious consequences on your career and quality of life. There are many ways to recognize if you're seeking power and control due to your own insecurity.
While it's normal to feel challenged by others, allowing these challenges to change who you are is a recipe for insecurity. Insecure people will often question the status quo, which is unwarranted. By being authentic, transparent, and authentic, they can counteract the negative effects of this societal trait. However, it's best to recognize your insecurity before you let it take over your life.
Insecure people who degrade others will often use their insecurities to mask their vulnerability. This is because they don't want to risk being rejected by others. If you are insecure, it is tempting to respond with a rebuke or by making light of someone else's failure. But when you don't feel good about yourself, you'll likely seek attention and power from other people instead.