15# - ONE MIN BOOK SUMMARY - Law 13: When Asking for Help, Appeal to People's Self-Interest and Never To Their Mercy or Gratitude - The 48 laws of Power (Robert Greene)

We all have helped friends who were in need, thinking that they will help us in return.
If so then that is...
Now it is your turn to ask for help ?
Ok, keep the following in mind :
If you need to turn to your friend for help, do not try to make him recall of your past assistance. He will find a way to ignore you.
Instead, underlign the benefit for him in your request, and emphasize it out.
The human nature will help him see the gain and he will respond positively to your demand.
When the Dutch began to arrive in Japan in number, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the Shogun, was much pleased.

He needed Europeans for their technological knowledge in warfare and navigation.
Prior to the dutch arrival, Portuguese set foot on the island some times before and were more obsessed with spreading religion than making business.On the contrary, the Dutch wanted only to trade.

Ieyasu managed to evict the Portuguese who were trying to make the Japanese people embrace the catholic faith.
After that, he would only deal with the Dutch. Japan and Holland were separated by thousands kilometers but shared a timeless concern: self-interest.
What was the Portuguese's mistake ?
They were absorbed by their own needs, failing to motivate Tokugawa Ieyasu's self interest.