5 Ways to Surround us With Positivity
"He can't do it. It seems like no one will respect her. Why did he chose that career, it doesn't fit him. She's too old for that. He's a failure" There are numerous discouraging feedback from people. Sometimes the sources are from our love ones. We all are longing for unending supports, at least from our family however, the universe is designed with two separate forces that greatly influence our course of life. These force could help us attract what we want or try to keep us away from our dreams. Thus, we can't stay away from those who can't see the palace at the end of the path that we our leading. However, our brain is the most intricate structure known in the universe and it is powerful enough to attract and create what we wanted, even protect us from the blackness around us. As quantum physics explains, our thoughts has an intense effect to our life. Nevertheless, how can we utilize the energy of our mind to charm and surround us with positivity?
The following are some tips for you to consider to start changing the energy that surrounds you.
1. Focus on what you want and you will achieve it.
You might be working on a project; however, you are stuck and you are having a hard time to finish it because you are feeling the unsupportive nature of other people. Always remember, if you focus on the emotion of hopelessness that you are feeling, then you are attracting more obstacles rather than powerful catalyst that could help you reach you main goal. Don't waste your energy thinking of what others thought about your goal, instead spend your energy thinking on how you will make your plan happen.
2. Take all criticisms as constructive criticisms
Once you show your work or once you show your ability in public , you open it to any type of criticism from different individual who either try to pull you down or motivate you to strive harder. Remove destructive criticism in you vocabulary, instead, think that all criticisms are meant to hasten you. In this case, you can transform the darkest or the heaviest word as one of your strongest stepping stone towards your dreams. This might be challenging because of the emotion we have, however, take your time to meditate, reflect and act.
3. Keep your mind busy expecting for good results
Stop worrying or fearing on the consequences of your action towards your goal. Worrying and fearing will waste the time and energy you should have spent in planning your steps towards your dream. As the saying goes, "We reap what we sow". If you spent your time fearing that you might fail, you'll find yourself still locked at the fear of failure ten years later, without achieving anything. On the the other hand, if you spent your time planning your steps and making it happen, you'll find yourself getting what you desire, either short term or long term goal.
4. Synchronize your thought and your action
Train yourself to follow what is being planned, unless unexpected and uncontrolled event happened. However, if you found yourself having a hard time to follow your plotted schedule, the problem is in your belief on success. Give yourself time to meditate and visualize what you really want in life and how deep you want it. Then start planning. If you are determined enough, your "internal collaborator" will bring you the individuals you needed to achieve your goal.
5. Affirmations
Avoid asking yourself, "What if I'll fail?" or saying "I am too nervous", rather think of a short statement you could repeat loudly or silently. This will help your mind believe and release an energy following what is repeatedly stated.
Now that you read these five tips, start freeing yourself from the dark side and seeing the bright side of the world!