The "size" of problem is not the diversity
Hi everyone,
This post is a way to discuss about diversity, which concerns difference, variety, diversity of nature, variations, color, race, gender, sexual choice, way of life, size, religion and so on.
Although Brazil is a multicultural country, diversity is a topic that needs to be disseminated, as well as the culture of respect (from Latin respectus) to others.
To respect do not mean that you have to agree with everything with other people, but rather do not discriminate or offend because the way of live or choose of the other is different from yours, of course, as long as these choices do not harm, cause harm, or otherwise harm others.
To respect the diversity is to know how to live without all kinds of criticisms or judgments. I think that the way of others life is not our business, except as it was mentioned above (do not cause harm or damage to others).
These photos were taken to a project that I participated in 2016, in order to spread a diversity and show that the beauty and the problem can be in the perspective of those who observes.
Thank you for your contribution to the Photocircle tag!
@photocircle Team
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