These are the Signs of Doomsight that Have Seen Today

in #portraitphotografy7 years ago (edited)

SIGNS OF KIAMAT - There are three phenomenal signs of Doomsday signs that need to be anticipated today by mankind in general and Muslims in particular. Two of the three signs fall into the category of great signs of Doomsday.

Another one is sometimes put into a big sign, but some call it a sign between the small signs of Doomsday with the great signs of Doomsday.

The sign between the small signs of Doomsday with the great signs of the Apocalypse is the sending of Imam Mahdi. Imam Mahdi is a sign of Doom which connects between the small signs of Doomsday with the great signs of Doomsday.

Because he comes at a time when the world has witnessed the emergence of all the little signs of Doomsday which precedes the great signs of Doomsday. Allah will not allow the great signs of Doomsday to come before the small signs of Doomsday have completely come to pass.

Illustration of Doomsday Signs
Small Signs of Resurrection have appeared

Many people probably have not realized that the condition of the world today is in a condition where almost all the small signs of Doomsday predicted by the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam have sprung up all.

Consider some examples of these small Doomsday signs:

And many divorces occur ويكثر الطلاق
And many sudden death (suddenly) و الموت الفجاء
And many manuscripts are given decoration (ornament) و حلية المصاحف
And the mosques are built magnificently و زخرفت المساجد
And various agreements and transactions are unilaterally violated و نقضت العهود
And various musical instruments played و استعملت المأزف
And various kinds of khamr drunk humans و شربت الخمور
And adultery is done blatantly و فخش الزنا
And the traitors are trusted (given leadership position) و اؤتمن الخائن
And the trustworthy is considered a traitor (criminal / terrorist) و خون الأمين
Pen Displacement (many books published) ظهور القلم
Markets (Mall, Plaza, Supermarket) Near تتقارب الأسواق
Shedding of blood is considered mild استخفاف بالدم
Eat riba أكل الربا
So if we look, the above examples are clearly already encountered in our day.

Even if we open the book of the scholars who collect the hadiths about the small signs of Doomsday, then we read one by one these hadiths almost certainly every one hadith finished we read we will soon mutter in the heart: "Wow, this one already ..! "

This will always happen every time we read one hadith. Laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billah ....

Liaison Small and Large Dock

If the little signs of Doomsday are almost entirely meaningful the conditions of today's world are on the verge of welcoming the coming of the great signs of Doomsday. And if this assumption is true, it means that in the near future we must all be prepared to welcome the coming of the sign between the small signs of Doomsday with the great signs of Judgment, ie the sending of Imam Mahdi to the center of the ummah of Islam.

This became aligned with the cues revealed by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaih wa sallam regarding two pre-conditions before the Imam Mahdi's deputation.

أبشركم بالمهدي يبعث في أمتي على اختلاف من الناس

وزلازل فيملأ الأرض قسطا وعدلا كما ملئت جورا وظلما

"I spread the glad tidings of the Mahdi who was sent by God into my community when there was a lot of inter-human strife and earthquakes. He will fill the earth with justice and honesty as previously filled with wickedness and injustice. "(HR Ahmad)

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaih wa sallam hinted at the existence of two preconditions prior to the dissolution of Imam Mahdi into the Muslim Ummah.

The two preconditions are first, there are many inter-human disputes and second, the occurrence of earthquakes. Subhaanallah.

If we observe the condition of the world today is very loaded with inter-human disputes, both inter-private or inter-group. Similarly, the phenomenon of the earthquake has been very high frequency lasting lately.

Streets Damaged by Earthquakes
The coming of Imam Mahdi

That means the coming of Imam Mahdi is a sign of the End of the Age that we must clearly anticipate in the near future. And if it happens then we must immediately prepare to obey the command of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaih wa sallam relating to the appearance of Imam Mahdi.
We are commanded to immediately take a bath and join the ranks because the next episodes are a series of wars led by Imam Mahdi to conquer the countries led by the Mujah Jabriyyan (The rulers who impose the will and ignore the will of God and His Messenger).

فإذا رأيتموه فبايعوه ولو حبوا على الثلج فإنه خليفة الله المهدي

"When you see it (Imam Mahdi) then bai'at it with him even though must crawl in the snow because in fact he is Khalifatullah Al-Mahdi." (Ibn Majah)

Imam Mahdi will raise the banner of Al-Jihad Fi Sabilillah to liberate the countries that have been controlled by the Mujah Jabriyyan (The rulers who impose the will and ignore the will of God and His Messeng....
He will begin a great project to liberate the world from human servitude to fellow human beings to only worship God alone, the Sole and True Ruler of heaven and earth.

He will ensure that the world is filled with systems and civilizations that reflect the sentence thoyyibah Laa ilaha illAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah from the easternmost to the westernmost.

Ghazawaat (wars) will begin from the Arabian peninsula then Persia (Iran) and then Ruum (Europe and America) and then last against the Jewish forces led directly by the peak of slander, the Dajjal. And the unique forces of Imam Mahdi Insha Allah will be allowed God to always achieve victory in various wars.

تغزون جزيرة العرب فيفتحها الله ثم فارس فيفتحها الله

ثم تغزون الروم فيفتحها الله ثم تغزون الدجال فيفتحه الله

"You will fight the Arabian peninsula and God will triumph over you, then you will face Persia and Allah will triumph over you, then you will fight Ruum and Allah will triumph over you, then you will fight the Dajjal and Allah will triumph you guys over it. "(Muslim)

When Is The Prophet Isa Down?

Illustration of the End Times War Horse
Then when will Prophet Isa 'alas-salaam will descend from the sky ushered by two angels on his right and left?

According to the hadiths of the Prophet Isa the son of Maryam 'the alias-salaam will come after the troops of Imam Mahdi finished fighting the Ruum troops ahead of the next war against the forces of Dajjal. It was at this time that Prophet Isa 'alas-salaam would Allah taqdirkan down to the earth to be joined into the forces of Imam Mahdi and kill the Dajjal with the permission of Allah.

As soon as Imam Mahdi and his army heard the news that the Dajjal had been present and began rampant spread slander and chaos on the face of the earth, Imam Mahdi consolidated his army into the city of Damascus. Then at the time of Imam Mahdi's troops ahead of dawn prayer in a mosque located east of Damascus city suddenly descended Prophet Isa 'alias-salaam ushered two angels in the white tower of the mosque.

So Imam Mahdi immediately invited Prophet Isa 'alias-salaam to lead the dawn prayer, but rejected by him and even Prophet Isa' alias-salaam told Imam Mahdi to be the dawn prayer priest while Prophet Isa 'alias salaam makmum behind him. Subhan Allah.

"ينزل عيسى بن مريم, فيقول أميرهم المهدي: تعال صل بنا,

فيقول: لا إن بعضهم أمير بعض, تكرمة الله لهذه الأمة ".
Turunlah Isa putra Maryam ’alihis-salaam. Berkata pemimpin mereka Al-Mahdi: “Mari pimpin sholat kami.” Berkata Isa ’alihis-salaam: “Tidak. Sesungguhnya sebagian mereka pemimpin bagi yang lainnya sebagai penghormatan Allah bagi Ummat ini.” (Al Al-Bani dalam ”As-Salsalatu Ash-Shohihah”)

Bersiap Mengantisipasi Kedatangan Tanda-tanda Akhir Zaman

Saudaraku, marilah kita bersiap-siap mengantisipasi kedatangan tanda-tanda Akhir Zaman yang sangat fenomenal ini. Tanda-tanda yang akan merubah wajah dunia dari kondisi penuh kezaliman dewasa ini menuju keadilan di bawah naungan Syariat Allah dan kepemimpinan Imam Mahdi beserta Nabiyullah Isa ’alihis-salaam.

Ya Allah, masukkanlah kami ke dalam barisan pasukan Imam Mahdi yang akan memperoleh satu dari dua kebaikan: ’Isy Kariman (hidup mulia di bawah naungan Syariat Allah) au mut syahidan (atau Mati Syahid). Amin ya Rabb.

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