Hi , I am writing this because I want to share my experience on drawing portraits .
Recently I have enrolled in a course on Domestika "Portrait Sketchbooking: Explore the Human Face" . Course is quite good because it teaches you the basics of drawing . It starts with basics of drawing like drawing eyes , noses and lips . Then it goes into advanced mode .
My goal here is to learn this form of drawing . I am also learning Manga character drawing but when you draw faces of real people then it's different as compared to the fictional characters . Yes Manga characters have their charm but if you are into real world drawing then obviously you will be interested in this kind of stuff.
So fare I have made tremendous progress and I am able to draw human head structure . It will take time but soon I will be drawing something which is close to the real image. Below is the first sketch I made .
Great start. It is best to focus on the structure for now.
Later, you will want to add brightness values instead of lines, to make it more realistic (there are no lines in nature).
Keep learning, and practice, and you will get there.