Why math stuff? Integreat...like integers, but great ones? What is a great integer anyway, the square root of pi?
lol, just busting on you.
How about...Jedreemeester? That's pretty great ;)
Why math stuff? Integreat...like integers, but great ones? What is a great integer anyway, the square root of pi?
lol, just busting on you.
How about...Jedreemeester? That's pretty great ;)
I was referring more to...
Hahaha!! Ohh... math... math, math, math. Our love-hate relationship is well-documented.
The square root of pi does seem like a number of honor! You do know that Pi holds a special meaning for me, don't you sis? :)
JEDREEMEESTER sounds epic! I actually had been toying with the combination before I left for South Korea. But the best that I have come up with is BOOMITAU which sounds like "bumitaw" (boom-meet-ow) which is Filipino for "let go" haha! Was thinking of a positive spin to the meaning, but got cut off because I forgot to finish packing hahaha!
I wrote pie lol!!
Boomitau, AND it means let go? That's freaking awesome ;0)
Right!? Man, now that I said it out loud, BOOMITAU sounds awesome. Kind of let go in the sense of let loose or free ourselves from inhibition and just have fun with it. Sounds awesome!