I'll give 50 porn!
Hello my dear dporneros I want to give 50 porn to the best comment of this publication
What is it about
1- comment on this post with a picture of your penis
2- the photo that I have the most votes for me will be the winner
3- Be inspired and have a good photo that catches the attention of the queen
I will give the results on Thursday at 12:00 p.m. and at once I will give the prize to the winner
I will reward your imagination ... come on animate we must get out of the routine I want to see sensual penises
omg daddy :O jajajaja
Glad you like
Now that is a big one, my Daddy!
Daddy knows you're a big girl, you can handle it !!
Ooo Daddy o!
to see your picture hahahaha
Soon lol
Recently I made a post where I showed my penis in an erect and flabby state. But to please your craving for penises I decided to prepare this collage where you can appreciate it in all its splendor.
Really nice suckable member you got there.
oh yes of course it looks great
Look at that, honey. I hope, you like it :)
hahahaha yes of course excellent
A lot going on right now... Not a good time for me to create a new picture... so in stead of a new pic, here is a classic from last year.
That one is known as "Cock in a Messy room"

StarGate Atlantis is on TV in that picture, so as a 2ndary picture keeping up with a similar theme, here is one I call "Penis head watching Star Trek"
hahahaha excellent photo