Porcupine - Tailors Head 2015 05 15
Porcupine - Tailors Head 2015 05 15
If you have any trouble playing this video, you can also view it here. https://dlive.tv/v/joey-fancy+Htc9bskgR
On a trip to Tailor's Head Beach in one of the Cavaliers, Joey and Mandy see the 1st of a many Porcupine and other lifeforms in that area. The 1st official days of opening for Tailor's Head Beach and Clam Harbor beach are May 15th, and this was on May 15th of 2015 CE.
This video was originally uploaded to the internet (elsewhere) back when it was only a day old...
...and I have lots of other animal videos out there, including on a site that his links to play lists and stuff like that... .
...anyway, if you want to look for more uploads of mine, feel free to check out more on DTube!