Population Problems: Canada Vs Hungary

in #population6 years ago



"So far, the prophets of overpopulation have been defeated by technology. But human ingenuity alone can never deliver a final victory in the battle to feed the world -- eventually, population growth will overwhelm the Earth’s ability to provide calories. That’s why in order to put Malthus and Ehrlich finally to rest, a second component is needed -- lower fertility rates. To save both the environment and themselves, humans must have fewer kids.

Fortunately, this is happening. During the lifetimes of Malthus and Ehrlich, humans still tended to have large families, with each woman bearing an average of five children over her lifetime. But shortly after Ehrlich’s book, that began to change:" Source


It’s no secret that populations are on a decline in countries around the world. Mostly in white dominated countries but not all. Japan is one country that’s falling off the deep end, posting negative population growth.

However this post is not about japan. In this post I’m going to focus on just two countries, Canada and Hungary. Two predominantly white Christian countries, but with very different approaches to addressing population growth.

One seeking to take anyone no matter their beliefs or credibility and the other looking to promote population growth with incentives for their citizens.

Let’s start with my home the great white north Canada. Which isn’t technically declining in population. It’s growing. But if it weren’t for all the migrants (legal or not) are artificially boosting the numbers. If it weren’t for Canada’s open borders approach to illegal migration, the population would look like Japan about now in terms of growth.

Canada's fertility rate 1.58 children per woman.

- [source]

The required amount to be able to sustain a country is 2.1 children per woman.

One reason is because male fertility in North America is down by 60% in the last 40 years. source

What does the government do o address this obvious problem? Gasoline!

Pushing gender confusing propaganda in schools.

Cutting free services for fertility clinics.

Abortion pills for all!

> "British Columbia will begin offering free abortion drugs to women on Jan. 15, providing even more incentives for women to abort their unborn babies."

> "The province follows New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Alberta, Quebec and Ontario in its decision to offer the deadly drugs for free through the taxpayer-funded health system." - source

Canada to admit nearly 1 million immigrants over next 3 years

”Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen said "that by 2036 100 per cent of Canada's population growth will be as a result of immigration, it stands at about 75 per cent today."

The Canadian government is so eager for migrants they’ll bring anyone over (unless they are white)

Bring Canadian Terrorists Home!: MSM Wants You To Feel Bad For Captured ISIS Members

White Helmets terrorist links fully Exposed [Graphic!] (Tapestry of Terror mirror)

“And I'll give you the quote so that you guys can jot it down and put it in an attack ad somewhere that the Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship," he said. "Because I do. And I'm willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that." "as soon as you make citizenship for some Canadians conditional on good behaviour, you devalue citizenship for everyone." - Justin Trudeau

"The man arrived in Canada as a refugee from Syria just months before the 13-year-old was killed, say police. Investigators have not said how they identified him as a suspect."

Trudeau chuckles when Asked About Ibrahim Ali Being Arrested In Murder Of Marrisa Shen Video

Betrayal: Trudeau Government Signs UN Global Compact On Migration, Dealing A Devastating Blow To Canadian Sovereignty

"As Hussen was telling a news conference Ford and MacLeod were wrong to call those border crossings 'illegal', his own department was still using that word to describe such crossings on the asylum web page. The next day, the wording was changed to "irregular." - source

"In new numbers released this week by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada in response to an order paper question from the Conservatives, a total of 15,935 or 65 per cent of the 24,657 people intercepted by police in Quebec between June 30, 2017, and June 3, 2018, held what the IRCC calls “legal status in the U.S. prior to their travels to Canada.”

Of those, 56 per cent of 13,867 held a valid U.S. non-immigrant visa." - source

The country is becoming one big sanctuary country. List of sanctuary cities.

"A sanctuary city is a city that limits its cooperation with the national government effort to enforce immigration law. Leaders of sanctuary cities want to reduce the fear of deportation and possible family break-up among people who are in the country illegally so that such people will be more willing to report crimes, use health and social services, and enroll their children in school. Municipal policies include prohibiting police or city employees from questioning people about their immigration status and refusing requests by federal immigration authorities to detain people beyond their release date, if they were jailed for breaking local law."

Current list of sanctuary cities in Canada.

"Toronto was the first city in Canada to declare itself a sanctuary city, with Toronto City Council voting 37–3 on February 22, 2013 to adopt a formal policy allowing undocumented migrants to access city services.[139] Hamilton, Ontario declared itself a sanctuary city in February 2014 after the Hamilton City Council voted unanimously to allow undocumented immigrants to access city-funded services such as shelters, housing and food banks.[140] In response to US President Donald Trump's Executive Order 13769, the city council of London, Ontario voted unanimously to declare London a sanctuary city in January 2017[141] with Montreal doing the same in February 2017 after a unanimous vote.[142]

”While Vancouver is not a sanctuary city, it adopted an "Access to City Services without Fear" policy for residents that are undocumented or have an uncertain immigration status in April 2016.[143] The policy does not apply to municipal services operated by individual boards, including services provided by the Vancouver Police Department, Vancouver Public Library, or Vancouver Park Board.[144]”

”As of February 2017, the cities of Calgary, Ottawa, Regina, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg are considering motions to declare themselves sanctuary cities.[144][145]" - source

“You chose this country. This is your country more than it is for others because we take it for granted.” - Justin Trudeau

Ah yes of course, because ditching your country of birth isn’t taking it for granted though right?

“Immigration: How a bigger Canada benefits us all“

That growth was once through a natural process of having children. Now it’s Import-A-Citizen.

100 million by 2100? Did you know that 2100 is another UN Agenda? Oh yeah! It goes 2030,2040,2050,2080,2100. These new world order elites plan in decades and centuries. They are 50 steps ahead of us.

pfft, what grandchildren? The ones you decanted? Is grandpa’s Petri dish and grandma’s a test tube?

Did you ever consider addressing the reason why the birth rate is declining and perhaps you know... DOING SOMETHING TO STOP IT!

Well you’re doing a bang up job! 👍

There you go! You identified two problems. “Pats for Patrick” Start by fixing those problems and go from there.

Translation: We’ll build Megacities and cram you in them, so we can lock all the rural areas to the government and private land trusts. We’ll support your choice to have children, but we will make it extremely difficult to so.


”Nothing is going to impact this country [more] besides increased automation and technology than immigration will and this impact will grow in response to [the] declining birth rate, aging population and accelerated retirements," he told CBC News.”

Yeah no shit Hassien! Now with all that said, let’s see how Hungary is going to address population decline.

5BC5DB5C-5129-42B2-AB0E-94A2B1EBFF3B.jpeg - Orbán

“Hungary needs to increase her fertility rate of 1.5 to 2.1. This is a goal which Orbán has set out to achieve by the year 2030. “ source

That’s an interesting year to pick... is it a FU to the United Nations or is this really part of the agenda? Maybe it’s coincidence, but I’ve wondered after I first heard about Hungary’s plan. Could part of the UN plan to shift populations. To have a small reserve of Caucasians people. The reason I say that is because believe it or not the Caucasian race is under massive attack, and is on track of being replaced in all of areas where they are the majority.

It was said in the “New Order of Barbarians Tapes”

”Population shifts were to be brought about so that people would be tending to move into the Sun Belt. They would be sort of people without roots in their new locations, and traditions are easier to change in a place where there are a lot of transplanted people, as compared to trying to change traditions in a place where people grew up and had an extended family, where they had roots. Things like new medical care systems, if you pick up from a Northeast industrial city and you transplant yourself to the South Sunbelt or Southwest, you'll be more accepting of whatever kind of, for example, controlled medical care you find there than you would accept a change in the medical care system where you had roots and the support of your family. Also in this vein it was mentioned (he used the plural personal pronoun we) we take control first of the port cities - New York, San Francisco, Seattle - the idea being that this is a piece of strategy, the idea being that if you control the port cities with your philosophy and your way of life, the heartland in between has to yield.“ Transcript link

Alright, back to the Hungary’s population approach.

“This is Hungary’s answer to challenges, rather than immigration,” the prime minister said at the launch of his seven-point plan.

• Every woman under 40 years of age will be eligible to a preferential loan when they first get married.

Okay, promoting the union of man and woman. Unlike in Canada where they have you at each other’s throats. #Feminism, #MeToo etc.

• The preferential loan of the family home purchase scheme (csok) will be extended; families raising two or more children will now also be able to use it for purchasing resale homes.

• The government will repay 1 million forints of the mortgage loan of families with two or more children. This measure was first announced in August 2017 for families with three or more children, with the government paying off 1 million forints of families’ mortgages for every third and subsequent child from January 2018. The measures has now been extended to include families raising two children.

Wow nice, 1 million forints is almost 5 thousand Canadian dollars. Plus 5 thousand per addition kid.

• Women who have had and raised at least four children will be exempt from personal income tax payment for the rest of their lives.

Tax free for life! Although, it says specifically women. If she’s raising 4 kids, I highly doubt she making any taxable income anyway. So the question is, does this include the husband’s income too?

• The government will launch a car purchase subsidy programme for large families. Families raising at least three children will be eligible to a grant of 2.5 million forints to buy a new car seating at least seven people.

That’s nearly $12,000 Canadian. She with our struggling working class this would be one heck of benefit to Canadians.

• The government will create 21,000 creche places over three years.

Has to look up what a crèche was. It’s a home for abandoned children. 👍

• Grandparents will also be eligible to a child-care fee and look after young children instead of the parents, the prime minister added.

Cool. Not sure on the percentage of grandparents raising their grandkids in Hungary, but whatever helps right?


Alright, well I see some positive moves to promote family and population growth. Will it be enough though? Time will tell.

Migration crisis

As I showed earlier that the Canadian government will welcome nearly everyone and anyone that broaches the border. So let’s take a look at how Hungary is addressing it.

“[I]t is not acceptable – as would be the case under the Commission’s proposal – for someone in Brussels to decide that the countries of the EU must solve their demographic and economic problems through immigration," the prime minister told public service media after presenting the plan late last week at a meeting of the Centrist Democrat International in Lisbon.

”Among the ten points, the Hungarian plan would reject the EU's mandatory resettlement quota system by emphasizing that such decisions remain solely a national competence. The plan would make strictly voluntary the process for the resettlement of immigrants. Despite clear opposition, the quota system keeps returning to the agenda. “[N]ow that we have Brussels’ official proposal on the table, there is enormous pressure on us," the prime minister said. "If we do not stop Brussels with a referendum, they will indeed impose [it] on us”.

What follows is a draft version of the ten-point plan.

Action plan for Schengen 2.0 - maintain and strengthen

1. Borders

”Giving full effect of existing EU and Schengen legislation (Schengen Border Code) related to the control of external borders, including the systematic checks of EU citizens. The responsibility remains with the Member States, but should any of them fail to meet its obligation the European Agency for Border Protection should intervene with the agreement of the Member State concerned. In absence of that agreement membership of the Member State in question in the Schengen system would be suspended.”

2. Identification

”Further development of the modalities of protecting the external border through primarily the EU entry exit system and by compulsory registration of biometric identification data of all persons crossing the external border.”

“Compulsory registration of biometric identification.” That’s a big red flag there. They’re doing the same with illegals here Canada. Only difference is Canada is keeping a lot of the illegals. This migration crisis in part is to test out newer biomentic identifiers and building the future system of control.

3. Corrections

”Correction of the Common European Asylum System including the reestablishment of the proper functioning of the Dublin System including the full application of its rules in Greece. Abuse of asylum rights should be fought by stronger sanctions to be applied at national level.”

4. Outside

”Asylum procedures should be completed outside the EU in closed and protected hotspots before the first entry on the territory of the EU. The EU should contribute to the financing of acceptable living conditions and security in the hotspots.”

Sensible, deal with the situation in a bubble.

5. Agreements

”Agreements on readmission and return should be concluded and enforced with countries of origin and transit.”

Yes, see they aren’t doing that on Canada, these migrants should be dealt with in the US. Of course many of these so called asylum seekers are actually non-immigrant visas holders with the US and just don’t want to leave the comfortable living of North America. Their not in peril here, that’s msm propaganda.

6. Return

”Illegal migrants should be returned to the safe countries of origin or transit.”


7. Conditionality

”The foreign and security policy, the development policy and the visa policy of the EU should ensure the achievement of the objectives of the European Union’s migration policy. The evolution of the EU policies should be conditional on the cooperation of third countries.”

8. Assistance

”Frontline Member Countries’ as well as Western Balkan countries’ efforts to support the EU’s migration policy should be assisted by the necessary financial and other needs.”

9. Safe countries

”A common European list of safe third countries should be set up. That list should play a role in establishing hotspots. It should be taken into account that asylum seekers are not directly threatened after having crossed a number of safe third countries.”

There you go, threats removed now deal with the situation.

10. Voluntary

”Answers to demographic and labor market challenges have to be subject to sovereign decisions of the Member States. In line with Article 5 (2) of TEU it should remain in national competence to decide whether they would rely basically on national or intra EU sources and policies or they intend to address the challenges through immigration from outside the EU. No compulsory and automatic distribution mechanism should be introduced.”

”Because of the high political importance of the subject matter political guidance should continuously be provided by the European Council over the legislative process.”

”With the above considerations Hungary would like to contribute to a dialogue which may result in a proper understanding of the nature and the dimension of the problems Europe is faced with to find solutions acceptable for all.”

source Budapest, 15th April 2016

Okay well there you go. Who’s approaching things sensibly and who’s following the orders the United Nations? Who’s trying to preserve the roots of the nations and who’s trying to completely remove them?

If you were country-less and had to choose between the two which would you pick?

For me, My roots are in Canada and it ain’t dead yet. It’s still a nice place to live aside from the cultural Marxism trying to change it for the worse.

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Well if you read propaganda literature back from the 80s, they said that if you educate women, let them into the work force, and give them the right to vote, then birth rates drop.

And so those exploding birthrate countries in Africa, what is needed is female empowerment. And it worked.

(the opposite is true. Poor Hungary, paying women to have children doesn't work)

And i have seen this fight before, it doesn't turn out the way anyone thinks

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No wonder Orban kicked Soros out of his country...

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