My introductory post
moral day Steemians,
I am Titus Emmanuel name, a 300 level student of department of earth science geophysics option, studying at Adekunle Ajasin University. am also an apprentice and additionally a blogger.
Wow! after all after having registered on this platform approximately being previously I ruminate now and then keep going year, I in no way be acquainted with my firstly journal and authoritative presentation was my establishment ... and it was not the depressing military that disallowed me from liability it, but ... that they give explanation them for the reason that I can not prepare it.
I'm passionate and optimistic in existent have a feeling of life
I don't agree to no matter which to obstruct what on earth I aspiration to do. I forever organize I'm sorry? I enjoy to puzzle out no have a bearing any complication I give rise to in facade of me. I am time conscious about all I do. I for all time grasp time set to me about possessions I do, that's why i together Steemit with no doubt.
I be keen on music like R & B and every so often Afro beat. I furthermore like football and interpretation books selectively.
I was introduced to steemit by @popson who was moreover introduced by @camzy several weeks ago.
Welcome to steemit !! @hemmanuel
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