RE: Pope: Death Penalty is "Inadmissible Because It Is An Attack On The Inviolability & Dignity Of The Person"
You're missing the key point of Jesus' teaching and ministry: grace.
He points out that men are fallible, and that they are all guilty of crimes for which the death penalty is the sanction. All of them, even you. He then says 'Let he that has no sin cast the first stone.'
The governments and laws of men are corrupt, and inevitably unjustly apply sanctions, including the death penalty. Jesus' point is to let God Himself impose the death penalty.
Not you. Not me. Not corrupt penal industrial complexes.
Based on DNA evidence alone, at least 25% of the captives on death row in the US are innocent of the crimes of which they have been convicted by the corrupt courts.
Perhaps the only thing I agree with the Pope about is that none of the governments on Earth justly can administer the death penalty. None of the governments on Earth are just.
Man's justice will exert glassy plains where thriving communities once lived. It is for this reason that the famous principle in revolutionary America was espoused: it is better that ten guilty men go free than one innocent man be punished.
Americans are now the people most held as captives in the history of civilization, and it is because that principle has been utterly turned on it's ear. Your stance here, and that of corrupt government has become instead: kill'em all. Let God sort'em out.
Let God judge who should live and die. Sort out the survivors.