What's Your Poloniex Horror Story? Share it Here.

in #poloniex7 years ago (edited)

"You MUST send your deposit using the unique Message above. Failure to do so may result in the loss of your deposit."

I admit it, I screwed up. In my hurry to complete my first ever XEM deposit on Poloniex, I failed to read and follow this message. I blew past it in search of my deposit address and made the transfer without following the blatant warning right in front of my eyes. I guess I expected a XEM deposit to be like the hundred other transfers I've made with other digital currencies - find the address, type in the amount, and hit transfer. I wasn't expecting Poloniex to require a special step to transfer XEM tokens, and as a result, two hours after I made the transfer and the funds had not hit my account, I went back to the Poloniex site and read these words more closely.

Once I got past the "shi.....!" moment (think Ralphie from A Christmas Story), I found a ray of hope. Failure to do so may result in the loss of your deposit. That meant there was a hope I could my deposit back. So I searched around the Poloniex website looking for how I could get help. I finally realized that I needed to open a support ticket on Poloniex's separate support page. It was a bit odd that their support page was a separate web site, requiring a separate login, but whatever. So I made my account and submitted my trouble ticket.

Despite their automated pacification email acknowledging that they received my request and I'd hear back from them in 24 hours, eight days went by without a response. In desperation, I waded into the Poloniex trollbox and amongst the hundreds of "Coin such-and-such is gonna moon!" and the "So-and-so just got banned by bigolas for 1 hours and 0 minutes" messages, I was able to contact an admin, and get a response from support. I was given instructions by "Kevin" to make a deposit for a specific amount into my XEM account so that he could verify my story and restore my balance. I dutifully followed these directions and quickly emailed Kevin back to let him know. Crickets. It's been six days now and Kevin appears to be avoiding me like an ex-girlfriend. Even worse, now the admins in the trollbox are ignoring me, with my "Hey admin, can you help me with trouble ticket #123456" drowned out by the dozens of fellow traders with similar sob stories.

The frustrating thing is I'm out of options. Poloniex doesn't provide a phone number so you can call for help. Opening a trouble ticket to request your earlier trouble ticket be completed, is likely to be met with another 8 days of silence. I emailed their generic support email address, but I haven't heard back from that either. I've tried multiple admins, and they're not responding. I've considered becoming obnoxious in the trollbox and demanding support, but it's obvious that those guys are handling a superhuman amount of messages to begin with. It's not their fault, and I know if I get too uppity, the dreaded "banhammer" is waiting for me.

So here I am with about 5000 XEM sitting in limbo and completely at the mercy of Kevin. I guess he'll get around to me when he can, and in the meantime, I'll watch the price of XEM rise and fall, wishing I could trade those damned coins already. I know I'm not the only one. Take a moment to read the trollbox some time and you'll see many others just like me, stuck in Poloniex Purgatory, asking admins for help, and getting the stock: "Please allow more time for support to respond to your ticket" response. With demand for digital currency exploding, it is easy to ignore poor bastards like me without any negative consequence. What incentive does Poloniex have to keep my business when there is a line of people right behind me? So I've written this article to share my experience and encourage others to share theirs. It's partly cathartic, and it's partly a desperate attempt to get enough people to respond so that Poloniex takes notice.

Photo Credits:
The image at the top is taken from an article at thestar.com https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2016/04/09/three-men-rescued-from-deserted-island-thanks-to-help-sign-made-of-leaves.html


I have an open ticket - 74 days now for a missing NEM deposit of 3,141. I did enter in the 'special message' correctly and have all details in the ticket with the TX ID and all addresses! No response, no nothing. Have pulled everything off Poloniex and moved to Bittrex.

I have the same problem. but mine is not as bad as yours as my issue has been unresolved for a few days. I also withdrew SC, and DGB, with no issues. is this a common thing specifically with XEM?

Poloniex would never ask for you to 'send your deposit' again, unless the message is from a blue staff member it should be ignored, sounds like you got scammed :( sorry to hear that, if it's not a Poloniex address they might not be able to help you.

Sounds like it was a Polo address but with special instructions . I'm considering taking all my coins off poly and putting them in a wallet, but I'm scared that while I do this I'll somehow lose them all in the process. What's the best wallet the covers a lot of altcoins? Exodus is my favorite so far.

I love Exodus, especially with the shapeshift integration. Although I started using a KeepKey hardware wallet, which also has shapeshift, and no longer use Exodus. For NEM I use their Nano Wallet. I like that you can split your funds across multiple wallets, but in general, I find the wallet to be fairly clumsy and ugly. I wish there was a wallet that managed more currencies, but I'm unaware of one. Like you, I wanted to keep my coins off Poloniex, so I transferred them to the Nano Wallet. It was when I tried to put them back on Poloniex so I could make a trade that I made a mistake.

I used the android official wallet. Seems okay . But polo charged 15 xem to transfer 60.

Nem recently changed fees to 0.1 lowest or whatever you choose.

It's actually nem +

To clarify, they didn't ask me to send the deposit again, they asked me to make a small deposit of around 6 nem to my address, using the proper code this time, so they could verify it was me. That strikes me as a reasonable request and only risked about 60 cents.

Ah, in that case it may be legit and they're checking you against other stuff, it might go well in that case, hope it works out, if it makes you feel any better I locked myself out of my own account on Steemit after I reached 100 followers so this kind of stupid shit happens to everyone.

I did exactly the same . Polo did deposit my xem after I gave them tx id and the hash from the block explorer .

I've just deposited again with correct message and still no xem . I bet I will have to raise a ticket as this has happened a few times now and I don't get my deposit untill I raise a support ticket.

Bitcoin goes straight in as does digibyte (Like lightning )

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