@Poloniex - Your incompetence, I have had enough! BYE!

Dear @poloniex
It is completely unacceptable to let any customer wait for over 40, 60 or 90 days like you guys do. So I will be trading OTC from now on. Do not expect any deposits to any of my linked accounts in the near future. You have had your chances, you blew it, say goodbye to your most valuable customers as we wont return.
PS: Learn from @bittrex or Learn from Cryptsy. Your choice.
I told people months ago.... theyre showing the same exact signs as cryptsy did months before they collapsed
if you still have money in there, its time to get it out now
I've read couple of blogs about the same complaint against Poloniex. But there are some other guys who have created videos at YouTube who keep preaching to use this platform. Your blog is the last nail in their coffin. I'm not going to use their services. Thank You @fyrstikken!
You earned an upvote!
Odd thing is I still have money on Polo but on the frozen market, which therefore means I can't even do something about it. *sad trombone sound*
yes! been saying the same thing...get out now or have polionext
This exchange is the badest of crypto world, its one of the first only because its old and have strong money coin in but shitty one.
@fyrstikken i have also closed my account in poloniex same thing happend with my withdrawl ticket was resolved after creating multiple tickets for same issue ill suggest you same
This comment has received a 1.71 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @banjo.
The only thing that is good with Polo is their charts.
Since I am their smallest customer, I have moved as much as I can to Bitshares DEX and Bittrex.
I 100% agree! There are plenty of others that would be happy to have our business.
I agree with the others that Bittrex actually is great. But that being said, I'm still going to keep my cryptos in couple/several of the different exchanges because at end of day, any of them can collapse. But yea, Poloniex def needs to get ther shit together.
they didnt paid my money for 20days then submit a ticket they didnt give me any answer for like 8days but eventually they approved all my 4 pending withdraws for btc and burst and got my payments few days ago, so if your withdrawals are pending dont panic they are paying but its too late they already lost my trust and a will never ever deposit a penny on poloniex
I bet the same way goes to you bro. I cant help myself make mad again.
We have to say that we actually agree with this post It really shouldn't take 40, 60 or 90 Days. For your Customers to get answers to their questions.
This is completely unacceptable.
Here's an update everyone! Now they are asking for STEEM Dev help!