Mystery KTP
My conclusion after watching ILC episode "Mystery e-KTP", Mr. Karni Ilyas is actually the same as most of us, he has questions and beliefs:
👉 Why e-ID cards that have been damaged since 2010 are not cut off from time immemorial, any time, so do not accumulate as much now. this question was never answered explicitly by the Director General of Disdukcapil. Always the answer everywhere, to forget the essence of the essence of the question is actually simple. Simply answered why why not cut from the first, that's all.
👉 The disclosure of this is God's will. to the extent that his quote is usually from the sayings of world leaders, this time from the Qur'an. Not a single leaf falls without the will of God.
Karni's belief is clearly visible when he repeatedly asked how can the cardboard fall from a truck, when it was covered with tarpaulins and tied up as well.
Subhan Allah...
if it is the will of God, then any explanation from humans will not be able to answer a series of other questions that follow appear every time one argument is delivered.
Somehow Pak Dirjen Disdukcapil hoped to expect the night of Lailatul Qadar. does he expect God's forgiveness, so the tempest is over soon ?!
I always believed, our duty as a human is to maximize endeavors. Afterwards leave it to God. Because God never escapes our efforts. dIA will "intervene" in time, taking part that humans can not afford to do.
Like when Pilgub DKI.
When we have maximized our endeavors, the eeeh also maximize the tactics of wooing voters by splitting for massively massive food items.
some of us may be desperate, imagine the little people will be persuaded.
Apparently ..., the result is the opposite.
Even the impact, swinging voters who had been neutral, so sick of seeing inconspicuous groceries until the calm day.
Finally, swinging voters also avoided the choice of food-for-sembako.
I'm sure that the recent events will be a bit more influential on the swinging voters who have not decided on the attitude for 2019.
there are at least two things that make the public suspicious and also disgusted, because the anomaly with that experienced by the community.
That is :
✔ Thousands of e-ID card blanks are said to be broken, while still thousands of people who until now still have not received e-ID card despite years of care.
✔ The fantastic monthly salary of people sitting in BPIP plus is also a year, while the country is in debt and people are concerned that the burden of life due to the bad economic conditions.
a criminal law expert who can turn later, also stated that the scatter e-ID card is a WARNING from GOD.
Well more firmly this again.
"Warning", it means something is wrong, something is broken, so the warning comes down.
Astaghfirullah things' adzhiim ...
pak Karni closed the event with the sentence: the public is very difficult to believe because the whole life is too often DIBOHONGI.
Wamakaru, wamakarallah.
InnaLlaha khoirul maakiriin. (read by Pak Karni means).
I remembered the lyrics of the '80s song, the singer Nicky Astria, the rocker top of the time.
} "In every race, seeking the ultimate triumph, often we forget the nature of the Creator, then keeps running, with no definite direction" "
Reffrain section:
"The victory achieved becomes futile, if it only gives birth to suffering alone."
the victory's victory becomes meaningless, leaving thousands of hearts wounded. "🎶
As Bang Karni said when ILC closes tonight: "once slipping into the test, lifelong people will not believe".
Leaving thousands of hearts wounded, yes because they feel cheated, feel cheated.
though it may be legally possible that the fraud can not be proven, but the public has its own opinion.
Although it seems to have nothing to do directly, but the suffering created later is the aftermath of the victory that crashed into the Creator's qodrat.
because of the disruption of equality of natural law, the universe will not take sides.
Believers must believe this.
People who believe that life is not just in the world alone, must be afraid of cheating.
the unbelieving, who thinks that the life of the last day is a mere fable, is denied. Just as the Pharaoh continued to deny the existence of God, the Lord of the universe.
O Allah, give us a FEAR leader only to YOU.
give us a leader who worships YOU, not to be a screwdriver financiers who only think worldly.
Grant us a leader who understands the meaning of AMANAH, that later it will be billed and charged to him, when there is no defense of anyone before your court.
aamiin Yaa Robbal 'aalamiin ...
(Iramawati Oemar)