Mark Zuckerberg Finally Figured Out Why Trump Won; Hint: It Wasn't Russia

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Mark Zuckerberg, the 30-something billionaire founder of Facebook, hasn't lived a 'normal' least not at any point in the recent past.  He grew up in a suburb of New York City and now hobnobs with the elites of Silicon Valley, at least when he's not enjoying that massive chunk of Kauai that he recently purchased for his own private use. So what do you do when you've become completely disconnected from the 'foreign' world that all of middle America calls 'reality' and have no idea why you just got massively blindsided by a national election that you thought was a foregone conclusion?  Well, you take a trip to Williston, North Dakota.

As Zuckerberg apparently learned for the first time while visiting oil workers in a tiny North Dakota town, there are entire industries that exist outside of Silicon that provide great wages and support thousands of American families.  And, as it turns out, those people are sick and tired of having their jobs threatened by their own government and being demonized by Hollywood liberals for their efforts to provide economical access to energy.

Zuckerberg shared his full thoughts in a Facebook post:

The invention of new techniques to fracture rock (fracking) to extract oil led to a boom where tens of thousands of workers moved from all around the country to pursue new jobs in this industry.

They come here because these are good jobs where people with a high school diploma can make $100,000 a year.

When the Dakota Access Pipeline was approved, that removed $6-7 per barrel of cost from producing oil in the region, which brought more investment and jobs here. A number of people told me they had felt their livelihood was blocked by the government, but when Trump approved the pipeline they felt a sense of hope again. That word "hope" came up many times around this. One person told me the night the pipeline was approved, people lit fireworks and rode trucks with American flags down Main Street to celebrate.

Many people I talked to here acknowledged this, but also feel a sense of pride that their work contributes to serving real needs we all have every day -- keeping our homes warm, getting to work, feeding us, and more. They believe competition from new sources of energy is good, but from their perspective, until renewables can provide most of our energy at scale, they are providing an important service we all rely on, and they wish they'd stop being demonized for it.

Source : ZeroHedge

Disclaimer : This is not the real Tyler Durden.  I read ZeroHedge every day and share the best articles about cryptocurrencies, politics and economy on Steem. You can head over to ZeroHedge's website for more content. 

It is beyond obviousness that someone of trumps stature won't be selected as president by the masses. Only by looking at his expression I can see that this man is a sess pool of negativity.
Hopefull things go well in the future but I hightly doubt it honestly.
Never brings anything good.
Cheers from me. Goldie.

Playing devils advocate here.

Your first sentence, it is an assertion based on you not liking his stature(Clinton can't even stand up without help and or drugs most of the time). Or stature as in money? Which the Clintons have hundreds of millions too + a charity that takes in Billions...

Looking at his expression you can see he is negative(the correct word is infamous). IE, he doesn't care how people view him and like controversy. Uses it to his advantage. Same as many infamous people do.

Plenty has already gone wrong for the last few decades.... We are going to go into a Great Depression at some point soon. 20 trillion in debt and all of Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security/Healthcare is going to have costs increase every year and bankrupt us. I implore you to do the research on how much % of the budget is taken up by these things and see every year it grows larger and eventually will be the entire budget(literally unsustainable). I don't know about you, but not going through a Great Depression sounds good. Did you know millions starved to death in the Great Depression? Funny thing, the majority of families could farm their own land and that happened still, today less than 5% can farm their own land and provide for themselves.

War, I don't want any war. If we have a war and it is Trump that pulls us in, I am not voting for him again.

I honestly fail to see how things can get much worse, Trump inherited the biggest debt ever while every other social program is collapsing. It would be a miracle if the duct tape and bubble gum can hold it together long enough for reforms to happen so we don't all starve to death and die.

Now a days anyone who is willing to bust their butt and work hard they find a way to judge them. Let them do their thing and earn a living, take care of their families. They judge them until the pump at the nearest private gas station in the Bay Area isn't pumping anymore, then when its an actual problem for them, their minds change.

I live in Silicon Valley, miles from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc and its a whole different world out here. Safe zones, and cry babies, and to be honest its ridiculous. The people judging the hard working Americans or exactly the opposite, lazy idiots. /rantover

Zuck is so out of touch it's amazing. The next thing you know he'll be like, "What? Debt-based fiat issued by private central banks is indentured servitude? I better do the shame walk so I know how it feels to be hated like the banksters..."

If this stunt isn't a run up to a political campaign I will be highly surprised. Like he really gives a damn what those people think or feel, he'd throw them under the bus in a heartbeat to serve the money masters.

Completely agree with you!

I would say that anything that Mark is involved in is going to be suspicious. ND has the best job market in America so that might be why he is trying to associate himself with it.

good post. Another celeb who promotes free movement but has big walls on its own. Just like the Vatican.

Welcome to reality Mark, same reason you'll never see anyone from places like India and China protest against fossil fuels.

Zuckerberg is clearly gearing up for a Presidential bid. He's not pissing about in North Dakota just for fun.

I've also had this feeling for about an year now.

its good to go out and face the truth about how thing are

Facebook became the tools of his winning, i believed.

Maybe that is his way of thinking. Anyaway nice post. I loved it. Followed and upvoted. Do follow me @bindu

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