Your Late Nite Comedians Are State Propagandists

in #politics6 years ago

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"Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the US media." -Noam Chomsky

Presidential candidate and Iraq War veteran, Tulsi Gabbard, appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He asked who she was and then asked if she thought the Iraq War was worth it, and then asked if she thought the Syrian War was worth it. She answered no to both and I like how the audience applauded that. That tells me even Colbert's audience knew those wars were bullshit. Then Colbert jumps straight to the CIA's talking points and establishment smears.

Overall, I think she did ok with her responses. There are just a few of Colbert's questions I would've probably answered differently. When he asked "Do you think that ISIS could have been defeated without our involvement and without our support of the local troops there?", I would've responded with "Yes, Syria has been winning the war against ISIS. In fact, ISIS wouldn't exist had we not invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam". When he asks "Do you believe he is a war criminal? Do you believe he gassed his own people or committed atrocities against his own people?", I would respond with "No, the gas attack was a false flag staged to frame Assad", because to agree with the CIA's talking points only legitimizes their claims and manufactures the consent to stay at war. When Colbert mentions her meeting with Assad, she could've brought up that the CIA has worked with our media to lie us into wars since Vietnam. He also said "...the United States, however flawed, is a force for good in the world in my opinion." my response would've been "The US is backing 73% of the world's dictatorships. We're bombing 8 countries that didn't attack us. We're aiding Saudi Arabia in a genocide of Yemeni civilians." then follow it up with "in order to be a force for good in the world the United States has to actually do good".

Even a jackass like Tucker Carlson can get this issue right. That tells me either Colbert is an even bigger idiot than Tucker Carlson, or he's purposefully lying at the behest of the establishment. This is the problem with all late night comedy shows. Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers, Jimmy Fallon, John Oliver, and even Bill Maher are all doing state propaganda for the CIA and it's gross. The only late night comedy show that actually will tell you the truth and still be funny is Redacted Tonight with @LeeCamp.

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