
Mocking is a double meaning. Just do some research on project mockingbird you have to see for yourself. Some things just don't resonate unless you find the truth yourself.

So it was a thing by the CIA to manipulate the media. What does this have to do with my video? Do you think my opinion on anchor babies was implanted in me by the CIA?

It is the media run by the CIA. Why do mostly all outlets run with same narrative repeating the same key phrases. This is to shape opinion.

What proof do you have, exactly, that the CIA runs the media? And what do you mean by "the media?" You mean like the networks? Facebook? College Radio? Podcasts? Like what exactly are you talking about?

If your looking for a document from the gov. explicitly stating this is currently happening good luck. However my proof comes from 1st. Knowing this exists. 2nd. Because of the 1st I'm able to see the news being presented by major outlets in a different way. 3rd. Who is Jeff Bezos? What companies does he own or have close ties to? CIA couldn't have anything to do with him, could they? I can show you the hole but you have to follow the rabbit. Everyone's "proof" will be whatever facts they find that ring true.

All of that stuff you just said, that's not proof. That is called "conjecture." Now if the CIA really were controlling "the media," then there would be plans, memos, orders, written out. There would be emails and faxes, phone records, other records of communications. Who are the people in charge of the project? What are their names? Where do they work? In which offices? Do they have a cover? Are they getting paid? There should be payroll records. Equipment requisitions. Budgets. Who's the CIA liaison at NBC? At CBS? At Fox? What are their names, and how do they force their affiliate stations to air certain stories or omit facts? Do you have any of this? Have you talked to any of these people? Can you tell me who any of these people are? There must be hundreds of people involved in this conspiracy, do you have any idea, at all? See no one who ever says the kind of shit you do ever has any kind of proof, EVER. Do you know why? BECAUSE THIS SHIT ISN'T HAPPENING.

Ok your right.

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