Why Does Is The Leader Of Black Lives Matter A White Guy?
This seems strange... for over a year Shaun King, leader of Black Lives Matter has pretended to be a black guy. Why doesn't anyone call him out for this? His explanation to Don Lemon was absolute crap (video below), claiming his mother had an affair with a black dude... essentially doubling down on his lie.
he's transracial and you're a bigot for not acknowledging his identity!
On that note, I am a transracial, transtranssexual, transageist, transchronist.
I identify as a black man who identifies as someone who changed their sex to identify as a woman, who is 63 and is temporally in the 1800s. My pronouns are the racial epithets of the time and expectations of women, and no one is allowed to use a cell phone or any modern tech or else they'll trigger my chronodysphoria.
Because he is what a real racist looks like, not Trump.
Why shouldn't he be White? It's racist to not accept him because of that. I guess that's the way some are, I guess.