RE: Abortions Should Be Commonplace And Guilt-Free
I could not more strongly disagree with you on almost every word of this post. It may be inconvenient, even dangerous, to be a host to a child for nine months, but you do not kill people because they cause you inconvenience, and only maybe if they're dangerous. The key to our disagreement is when a clump of replicating cells becomes a human being at some point prior to birth.
That's really the only problem I have with abortion. If there's no person in the womb, I do not need to protect them from harm, just as I am not needed to protect your fingernails from clipping. At about 20 weeks, from the research I have done, the brain organizes in just the form your own current brain is, and it is not credible to suppose then the baby isn't a person with rights equal to your own. That's about 5 months, and gives women plenty of time to exercise their sovereignty without committing murder.
Neither do I believe every unwanted pregnancy is a man's fault. You can believe whatever drivel you want, but if women want child support when they take away a man's family, they need to take responsibility for their part in achieving reproductive success. As a man that was awarded sole legal custody of his children I am part of a tiny club of men fortunate to not have their families seized by vindictive women during divorce, and that's not just in America, but globally.
All those changes in your life that began with becoming pregnant apply to men, except physical effects of pregnancy. You belittle men while claiming to exalt women, and that's disingenuous.
" I was not a particularly selfless 25 year-old when I had my first baby, and overnight I was no longer numero uno in my life anymore."
That may have been the best thing that ever happened to you. It happened to me too when my first was born, and it happens to most folks the same way. It makes them better people, and it is exemplary of their improvement that they undertake the difficulties of raising their kids. I am going to limit my comment here due to my anger, but will point out that your survival today is the result of all your forebears becoming better people upon their posterities' arrival, and in far more trying circumstances generally than your improvement occasioned.
However, I assure you this post has not increased my regard for women. The reverse is true, as you completely fail to accord to all parents, men included, the high moral ground occupied by those that sacrifice their own lives and treasure for the good of others. I've rarely read such specious, self-aggrandizing drivel, to be frank.
"Men could easily stop their sexual partners from needing abortions if they chose to change their behavior."
Far from edifying your audience regarding how strong and successful women can be, you retreat to the seemingly incessant posture of needing men to solve your problems.
I have plenty more I'd like to say, but have enough self-respect not to degrade this comment further out of anger.
Bravo, beautifully written. I don't weigh in on the abortion debate to often but earlier this evening I saw a video that was just appalling and I am so on the bandwagon that on some point there has to be taken a stance that we are dealing with a human being now and not just replicating cells anymore.
Either human rights inure to us as a natural feature of our existence, or there aren't any. Helpless babies need protection, and while much disagreement remains as to when people are endowed with humanity, there is a point prior to birth at which that happens.
We only possess such rights as we accord others, and that's just.