Why are Millennials swinging authoritarian?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

This article came out earlier this year, but I thought it would be worthwhile to ponder at some of the information gathered about Millennials concerning their views on freedom of speech and basic constitutional rights. It seems that left leaning Millennials are now more embracing of limiting speech, more dismissive about basic constitutional rights, and somehow more accepting of a military coup in the United States then previous generations.


"Roughly half of Millennials have positive feelings about socialism, twice the rate of the previous generation. Indeed, despite talk about a dictatorial Trump and his deplorables, the Democratic-leaning Millennials are more likely to embrace limits on free speech and are far less committed to constitutional democracy than their elders. Some 40 percent, notes Pew, favor limiting speech deemed offensive to minorities, well above the 27 percent among the Xers, 24 among the boomers, and only 12 percent among silents. They are also far more likely to be dismissive about basic constitutional civil rights, and are even more accepting of a military coup than previous generations."


I'm a Millennial and I have to admit that my own generation sometimes scares me. With endless indoctrination at universities across the US, Millennials will possibly take revenge against previous generations who they will blame for their economic fortune. Although Millennials, like Gen X before them, have irrefutably been economically shafted, the power that they will wield in ever expanding government jobs will likely lead to ever greater aggression and hostility to those that may think differently than them. So watch out for Millennials!


Because they did not get ass whippings like I got growing up in the 1970's

wow HALF of millenials have positive feelings about Socialism? WTF Godamn trhats NOT natural thats PROOF of the EUDCTAIONAL SYSTEM being TAKEN OVER by SOCIALISTS! HOW ELSE could you explain why the RICHEST country inteh wORLD woudl end up producing a generation that is HALF Socialist?!?!

Its fucking insane! peopel are so stupid and its not all the millenilas fault
they wre BRAINWASHED by PUBLIC SCHOOLS to believe socialims is a ok and that for SOME REASON the style of ciommunism in Soviety Union DOESNT COUNTY as "Real" communism

and they rbing up Denmark or Sweden as an example of "Succesful Socialism" Which is a LIE because thoe countries are MARKET driven economies and NOT socialist at ALL! They have SOCIAL PROGRAMS but thats NOT socialism! AND EVEN IF WE DID want toi take on the big social programs of europe, it wont WORK in the United STates where certian groups take advtange of welfare and otrher people end up PAYING for it....We cant TRUST the US government to spnd MOR Emoney, liook at Obamacarem, its a travesty, NOTHINGlike the single payer Univeral healthcare of canadae or EUrope, WHICH is not that great

when u have fully socialized healthacre like CUBA thgings SUCKS and EVERYONE is a doctor and noonehas any medicine

In Cuba they have everyon train to become a doctor, and they call themslves a doctor when they have to end up working as a taxi driver, so its like NO your not a doctor, and socialism is NOT succesful in europe, its NOT socialism that pays for the social progams

Anyway its just so retaerded that millenials actually are that pro socialim and anti free speech and willing to accept a military coup? WTF?

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