Styxhexenhammer666 Openly Praises Freemasonry & The New World Order
"The infiltration of the Alt Media by Satanists should never be overlooked.Those who have studied occultism or studied history should be aware of how the worst tyrants tend to be people with an extremely one sided worldview and view themselves as heroes fighting against evil, the same way most Satanists have a one sided view of Religion,Nationalism and Anarchy as the source of all wars,poverty,chaos,hunger and death around the world while believing themselves to be the one to bring utopia to the rest of the world by reducing the world population to feed the rest."~TSR Editor
Styxhexenhammer666 is a man who once openly supported the New World Order,Satanism and Freemasonry yet after being popularised by Israeli Intelligence Asset(Infowars) he now spreads Neocon propaganda against North Korea and against Islam.
Most people claim he has changed and that him being against Soros(somehow Soros became the only globalist we can talk about in the Alt Media space and no matter how many times we talk about him online, Soros continues to become more powerful) and supporting Rothschild Agent Trump somehow makes him a changed man.
Those who demonize Muslims/Islam(one of the few remaining factions who are against the Rothschild Banking Dynasty) and support Israel(the "country" created by the Rothschilds) are controlled opposition.
In the video,he expresses his desire for global government and claimed religion was one of the biggest reasons for human suffering on the planet and that he believed that those who question gay marriage "are too far lost and should not even be alive"
Video Source: Styxhexenhammer666
Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))
Anyone who calls themselves 666 is pure evil :)