Don't wanna be an American idiot? Then stop being controlled by the media.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


I will preface this article by saying I love the United States and the American people.

It's the TBTF banks, corporations, their bought and paid for politicians and the pathetic lap dog media that are ruining a once great country.

Since Greenday released their iconic album 'American Idiot' the lyrics to the title track have become tragically prophetic.
"One nation controlled by the media"

Obviously they could see the way it was going in a post 9/11 America however I doubt even the band members themselves could have dreamed back then that things would get so bad by 2017.

You, as a nation of free people are irrelevant to the majority of the media outlets in the USA right now. Sadly that last line of defence that keeps a lying, totalitarian, corrupt and frankly pathetic congress and senate from destroying everything the founding fathers fought and died for is itself deceased.

Sitting across the pond here in the UK is it obvious to me that the 6 corporations who own 90% of the media outlets in the US are systematically attempting to brainwash the populace.

Why? Because it's good for business, simple as that. War is good, debt is good, Russia is bad & Muslims are bad. Deep down you must all know it's a load of BS.

It's fascinating and sad to watch a bit like reality TV shows which I'm not a fan of as I suspect they were created to desensitise the general public to stupidity and immorality. Some of the examples of sheer stupidity are astounding. Check out Mark Dice's videos on YouTube for a long list of breathtakingly dumbed down morons he has come across in recent years, most of which I suspect don't realise that they are nothing but sheeple.

This is not just an American problem we're no better here in the UK. I come across people everyday who shouldn't be let near the cutlery drawer for their own safety they are so mind numbingly stupid, however we're not a nuclear armed superpower so not likely to start a conflict that destroys us all.

The Neocons of both political parties in the USA are taking the country down a road to ruin I fear there may be no coming back from. It is they who are stirring up the media and public funded by Oligarchs with their own agenda such as "Bond villain" George Soros into a frenzy of Trump hatred in an attempt to take him down before he throws their criminal backsides in jail for treason. It's not about Trump it's about anyone who has the audacity to stand up to these lunatics.

The dangerous hubris of criminal senator John "Insane" McCain and his equally deranged "wife" Lindsey Graham has the potential to ignite a conflict that could end up really badly for everyone, everywhere!
This nut job is responsible for helping to arm and fund ISIS, travels to Syria whenever he likes to stoke the fire, lies repeatedly about Trump and nothing is said let alone done about it.

Mr &Mrs McCain.


It's not all doom and gloom though because you can stop this before it's too late. Just stop listening to the MSM News Networks, stop buying the Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine and all other pseudo journalistic rags. Eventually this will defund them, the advertisers will leave them if there is no-one to advertise too and maybe then they'll start telling the truth in an attempt to get the public to trust them once again.

I suspect the silent majority of Americans are aware how bad it has become but don't know what to do, it easy as I said you can help by not buying into it to de-fund the media and the next time your crooked Congressman or Senator comes up for re-election vote the bum out!

I would never normally do this on a post but I urge all of my followers and anyone who reads this wherever you are in the world to upvote, resteem, put onto other social media platforms, tell your friends, post on your websites anything you can think of to get this message out. Not for my benefit but for all other us because if America goes down we're all going down with her.


For those of you that stayed until the end, here's the video you were really hoping for!😃


Great post, good song! Hope it's not too late however, the train appears to have left the station quite some time ago... Cheers Mate!

Then the American people need to derail it. It can be done it just needs enough people to rise up and say no more and take the bastards down! It's like the film ants dude the masses have the power and they know it. That's why they're afraid of an armed populace. Thanks for commenting

I hear you, and I'm with you brother - just need to get another 2% on board and we'll be good-to-go,,,, :)

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