Useful Slaves are Good Slaves (Inspired by @dollarvigilante) - With Malcolm X Commentary
Saw this post on instagram from @dollarvigilante and I promise you, this is why I fucks with this guy! He's one of the top Thought leaders in this field of 'space' we all find ourselves in. It's a refreshing moment, to see someone who has the weight and influence he has, be Consistent in his views of Government overreach.
Too many people are 'caught up in Politics', and that muddies the waters of all Conversations
It stops any chance of progress, because Politics literally is a 'power game'. It's a game, human beings get caught up in, chasing power "over" other human beings. That is really a deeper conversation for another time though. But, relating to this idea is the fact that 'systems' like these flourish on the 'backs' of Good Slaves.
Here is a 'quote' from a comment I left on a "Steem" about NFL players protesting the National anthem.
From @dollarvigilante :: one of the Leading Minds of our Cryptocurrency Movement :: who truly Understands what FREEDOM is about; real 'patriotism' respects the RIGHTS of EACH individual Citizen .... especially those who choose to Protest; and bring attention to a Situation our nation Continues to Fail to properly address; a systematic and historical issue that continues to plague our nation; This is not about 'disrespecting veterans' -- that is just what people who want to be Disrespectful to Blacks, and those who want Police Reform are using to "Turn this conversation" into what it was Never about; it's a distraction; a Hijacking of the Message. Veterans fought for a country where People can PROTEST and BRING awareness to Situations that REQUIRE our 'attention' ---- those who want to DEFLECT; are simply .... #UsefulSlaves
Someone responded with a 'meme', using a guy in a wheelchair. The Meme says 'stand for the anthem because I no longer can, I'm a veteran' or something like that. It's moving on an 'emotional level' --- If you're a Good slave.
Those are the Useful Slaves .... the good ones, who always seek to uphold Massa's System!
It has always been this way. Even going back to Jamestown, where racism and this 'class system' was created.... the poor whites, were still 'slaves'. They just had more 'rights' than the poor blacks who ended up being 'enslaved'. Yet, even in that 'system' a microcosm emerges with 'House Negroes" who seek to do the will of Massa, in exchange for a more 'comfortable lot' in life.
Settling is always our problem ....