State of the Union Riffing Session on Deep Fat Fried

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Tonight, we took advantage of President Trump's first state of the union address and filmed our live reaction. I was unimpressed by his address, and I twice found myself upset at statements that I thought particularly egregious in terms of their regressiveness and simple-mindedness. I did find certain sections of the speech laudible, but the overarching message was one of friendliness to big business. I found Hillary Clinton's forced "Trumped Up Trickle Down" line to be cringe-inducing at the time she said it, but Trump's entire speech was in support of trickle-down economics. Take care of the rich, and you ultimately take care of everyone. It's the Republican communism, in that no matter how many times it's tried and fails, it never seems to get its just eviction from the ideological discourse.

I was also perplexed and annoyed by Trump's menagerie of "good guys" that he kept trotting before us as examples of "true America." By the time it was near its finale, I pathologically hated the people he was showing me, because their stories were being presented in a dishonest context to foster a lie that is ultimately designed to divide and conquer people--distract the poor by turning them against one another while the rich are given government handouts and then the 99% are told all about how great they're doing, like we're supposed to be happy for them.

Good news America! I'm deregulating big business so that they can stop exploiting people in Mexico and start exploiting them here at home instead. My business cocksucker friends get a couple of new mansions, a new fleet of sports cars and luxury SUVS, and a bigger yacht--all on your dime. But don't look dishearted--we've got some new manufacturing jobs for you. Maybe you can help build one your boss' Bentleys.

A note of some embarassment is that this video does begin with some audio technical issues and I do early on space out on the name and position of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. I was perhaps not at my sharpest after days of travel and stressful business negotiation in Ohio. That's no excuse for being such an idiot, of course. My apologies.


My favorite part of this embarrassing excuse for a State of the Union is when he talks about the opioid crisis. It almost seemed like he was going to say something smart and criticize pharmaceutical industries. It seemed like, just this once, he wouldn't relentlessly suck corporate cock. Alas, he ended up blaming street drug dealers and promising to amp up the War on Drugs. Foolish of me to have hope, I guess.

Every time I hear Trump speak I can feel myself getting more and more stupid by the second. This whole address was so painful to try and watch. Thankfully funny people like you can at least make it a little entertaining.

If you listen to Trump talking, after a while, even communism sounds smart.

Cryptocurrency will undermine politics soon.

with the way things are going i have to agree with you

I highly doubt it.

If I have to hear another supply side conservatard say "Muh if we tax corporations and raise the min wage they'll all move away!" I'll scream. That's gotta be one of the most persistent right wing myths of our time.

Jesus what a boring version of Trump. He was barely racist.

Here in Canada ,all i ever hear about is Trump.Why the hell haven't i heard about Hillary being charged for lying to the F.B.I ? if any one else did this they'd be screwed ,guess wrinkled up old hags really can get away with anything in the U.S. they should strap her and turdo to a nuke and send them both to north korea !!

Man, i had to scroll too far down to find this comment. I live in brazil, so I understand about corruption and msm cover up. FISA memo will shatter liberal fantasies. #Maga

His statement that unemployment is at an all time low is true, however, the rate of unemployment has been dropping at a consistent rate ever since 2010, and it doesn't seem Trump has had any effect on the rate of unemployment.
uneployment data.jpg

I bet Tj has a super moist butt hole.

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