RE: Abortions Should Be Commonplace And Guilt-Free
I admire Caitlin Johnstone's work and often start my day reading one of her articles. On occasion, I disagree with part of what she has written. In the main I agree with what is written here, but something else crept into this article that seems to undermine her usual fairness and subtlety, particularly the statement about how women mainly tolerated men's irresponsible sexual behavior or otherwise we would have starved or killed them. We men have been unjust to women on a very large scale but this statement is too angrily one-sided and lacks the fullness of what does go on between men and women. I 100% think that women should always have the deciding vote in whether to bear children or not, and never be made to suffer for exercising their rights. But I also believe that men more than ever consciously want to be fair to women and against the unjust pursuit of sex and having children out of ego desires. The fierce criticism of men that is in this article is deserved and very useful, including to me, but it does not paint a fully accurate picture of men, or women for that matter .