The Magical Thinking of 6-year-olds

in #politics5 years ago

 The Magical Thinking of 6-year-olds    
  The only “evidence” any of us has seen during the “impeachment” hearings is pure, unadulterated CONJECTURE on the part of Congressional Democrats.  What they refer to as evidence does not exist in any tangible form.  From the beginning, when Adam Schiff paraphrased Trump's phone conversation as if he was a Mob Boss threatening an underling, this has been mere toying with context.  Democrats have asked Americans to “project” negative perceptions onto the President with no consideration of the actual events, as if mere dislike of Trump's personality is a justification to stop him!
 The upcoming Durham Report will help the confused and mentally-bullied Americans, browbeaten with phrases such as “the President used his power on his own behalf and not for the benefit of the US.”  The Report will show Trump was referring to the illegal wiretapping of his campaign staff, the phony Dossier which was used to obtain FISA warrants which allowed said wiretapping, and entrapment of Trump campaign members using foreign agents with fake “information” concerning Mrs. Clinton, and still- concerning is the often-repeated accusation of “Russian collusion” with Trump, based on no evidence whatsoever, as the Mueller Report concluded.
 If the public can even think at all, after this spectacle of assumptions, perhaps they will be able to piece together the actual events and the parties involved, i.e., the President of the US and the President of Ukraine.  The so-called “witnesses” - ambassadors, the college professors, congresspeople who dislike Trump - are tangential to the real events.  The real events are taboo and off-the-table because they include a very real plot to remove Trump from both his candidacy and now his presidency.  Such plot can be traced back to the DNC and Mrs. Clinton's campaign.  THAT is why Trump referred to “Crowdstrike” when he spoke with Zelensky.  FOR THE SAKE OF THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY, we all deserve to know who was involved in undermining the 2016 election.  While Democrats obsessively point to “Russia” as hackers and publishers of dangerous memes on Facebook, they hope no one is paying attention to their own Ukraine misdeeds approved by Obama and Brennan.  The Bidens' little scam is a sideshow and Trump knew this. (And anyone who believes Joe Biden is any threat to Donald Trump is delusional at best, bat—shit crazy at worst.)  Trump is spot-on when he says we need to get to the bottom of what happened in Ukraine because IT MUST NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN to ANY American president!
 Unfortunately, both G.W. Bush and B. Obama proved to us all that, with the help of the media, if the same phrases are repeated often enough, people will accept them as truth.  Think about “weapons of mass destruction” or  “Saddam Hussein and 9/11” or “Julian Assange is a hacker” or “Assad must go.”  So, now we have a cacophony of voices chanting “the President used his office for personal gain” and “the President concealed evidence” and people do not ask “what evidence?”  Indeed, can evidence that does not exist be concealed?
 On the other hand, there is a great deal of evidence that top US government officials colluded with other countries:  Italy, England, Australia, Ukraine to bring down the Trump campaign.  Isn't election interference the accusation against Trump?  Do these people think they are clever for accusing Trump of their own illegal spying and tampering?  That evidence is forthcoming and I hope, as stated, that Americans have not become too brain-dead to use critical thinking skills, their sense of logic and reason, to face and embrace the truth rather than imaginary narratives invented by Democrats to distract a public they clearly perceive as stupid and stupefied.
 I personally did not vote for Donald Trump and I am still a registered Democrat but I can assure all I will never vote Democrat again after this display of insanity. 

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