The Flaws of Left-Wing "Libertarianism" and Anarchism

in #politics4 months ago

I am of the opinion that nothing can do more to dissolve everything that man has done to progress socially and technologically than the mainstream libertarian left wing of the modern age.

Now, of course not all who are on the libleft quadrant of the simple political square spectrum advocate for what I am about to say, but I have seen enough do so to the point where I had to say something about it.

This is also not counting purely working-class issue oriented libertarian left wingers such as the Zapatistas. By libertarian left in this sense, I am speaking of those that are more so the first world ANTIFA and woke types. So what I am about to do is envision a future as to where these people actually somehow attained power and put their ideas into practice.

Point one: modern Libertarian leftist ideology is unsustainable to civilization.

Most of these first world libertarian leftists have no care at all for the concepts of nations or borders. They despise traditions and cultural heritage. Law enforcement is demonized and criminality excused. The only function that they believe the state should have is to hand out welfare and protect every hedonistic vice that they can think of. Mediocrity is excused and people are able to advance through affirmative action programs despite not being qualified for the position they are attaining.

When you don’t have borders, you don’t have a nation. The abolition of borders and the allowance of free movements of people through what should be your territory is the end of any nation’s sovereignty. There would be no nation or country, only a territory.

Furthermore, the abolition or discouragement of traditions and cultural heritage would shred the unity of the population, further eroding the concept of nationhood. The people living there would not be citizens of a country or nation state but squatters on a piece of land. Not that the libleft sees any problem with this given how to them nations are just a piece of land anyhow and nothing more.

Criminal behavior and drug addiction would run rampant as the police are defunded or outright abolished and the state is diminished to a caretaker role with little authority outside of welfare. There would be no standing army, instead there would be roving bands of ANTIFA militia with little oversight from the new diminished state and criminal gangs that benefit from the collapse of law and order.

How the new government would actually assert its authority when their entire ideology revolves around the absence of authority I cannot say. They would just have to hope that nobody else comes along with their own bigger militia and takes over the anarchic government.

This is why a government ran by the type who shout “no gods, no masters!” at the top of their lungs would not function. Either they would have to completely betray everything they claimed to stand for and consolidate their rule by brutally crushing their opposition with the formation of a standing army or police force or they would sit by and do nothing as everything falls apart around them.

In the case that they do decide for the sake of survival to betray their principles and form a standing army and police force made up of their militias, it would be a force to tear down the pillars of civilization. Political opposition would be stamped out but anyone could do whatever they want. It would be true anarcho-tyranny. There would be no laws enforced upon the actual criminal elements in society but against those who would seek for a restoration of society as it was before the revolution.

Society itself would be rotting under the weight of degeneracy that is protected and enforced by the state. Alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography, sexual fetishism, petty crime, and many other societal ills would be ignored until everywhere in America looks like the needle and feces littered streets of San Francisco.

Point two: Libertarian leftism breaks the bonds that hold a nation’s people together.

The modern libertarian left is against religion, tradition, the family, and nationhood in general, all of which is required to hold a people together. Of course, there is a reason for this, many of these pillars failed them, so they have no reason for these pillars to succeed.

However, on a large scale, should all of these pillars fail it would prove catastrophic. The nation isn’t held together by just the state alone. It is held together by the strong social bonds that exist within it.

So let us say the new libertarian left state succeeds in abolishing religion. Places of worship are closed, and public worship is no longer allowed. Either they do this by heavy taxation on religious institutions or their militias just outright force places of worship to shut down, because nobody is going to just voluntarily give up their faith.

As someone who is not really religious myself, I nevertheless recognize that religion is important for society. Religious communities create standards and are very close knit. In a way, they are sort of like families. The breakup of these communities would (assuming a giant uprising from these communities wouldn’t immediately occur) erode the bonds between the people.

Now, I’m not saying that you need religion to have standards for a healthy society, but at the same time many standards for a healthy society originate from religion. Concepts like modesty, respecting one’s parents and elders, self-health, charity for the less fortunate, and many more are reinforced by religious belief.

Take that away and unless there is some form of standard you would have people acting solely for their own self interest and nothing else.

This would be furthered by the erosion of the family. Family is yet another important social bond in a healthy society. It is commonly known that many people who have problems have them because of problems in the family, whether it be by abuse, absent fathers, uncaring mothers, divorce, among other things.

Yet instead of trying to actually fix these problems, the libleft’s conclusion seems to have been that the problem lies with the concept of the family itself. This is why, as we have seen many times, the libleft has tried to erode the concept of the family. You see people cutting family off all the time for political disagreements.

This happens more with the left than with the right. As someone who considers themselves a populist, I could not imagine cutting off any member of my family due to a political disagreement even if what they were arguing was a threat to my existence. Yet because those who adhere to libleft politics have come to the conclusion that anyone arguing against them is a threat to their very existence, they have an easier time doing this.

So let us go back to our hypothetical future. The concept of the family as we know it today is discouraged by the new state. The only way you are tied to your family is because you have been birthed from your mother. Other than that, nothing. There are no family codes, no rules regarding restrictions on children, no marriage, no legal bindings on any property family related. Other than being blood related you are just like any other stranger you see on the street.

So with all of these social bonds gone in the name of progress, what reason would anyone have to maintain the concept of civilization or nationhood at all? Who do you identify with? You can’t identify with your nation because that is gone, you can’t identify with your religion because it was abolished, you can’t identify with your family because the concept of the family doesn’t matter, and you can’t identify with your race because racial identity is outlawed.

I suppose you could identify with your class since class warfare is a major talking point among the libleft, but what would be the point considering the new society has seized the wealth of the rich and redistributed it among everyone? The only thing you would be able to identify with is yourself. There is no being a part of something greater.

You live your life and if it sucks then that’s too bad for you. You get no support pillars to lean upon because according to the new libleft state those pillars were the root of all social ills. This leads me into my next point.

Point three: A libleft society would end technological advancement as we know it.

Given that we have established that there is now no incentive to fight for anything under the new state, we come to the inevitable conclusion that people will simply just stop working altogether. What is the point of working if there is no incentive to work?

It isn’t like you are working for the betterment of your family, community, or nation. The only real work that people would have incentive to undertake is agriculture because despite everything, food is still a necessity.

With this would come a halt in technological progress because as much as these people claim to care about science, they don’t understand that the tools necessary for scientists to do their work would still need to be manufactured by people with the incentive to do so. Bear in mind that I am not some capitalist absolutist.

I have never actually heard from any of these people how anyone would be incentivized to do anything other than the vague notion that “people will just do it for the betterment of humanity.” Like everyone will just come around the fire and sing songs while finally realizing that their entire way of life before the revolution was wrong and they will happily work just for the heck of it.

Sure, maybe that might happen for the first few weeks but sooner or later as people realize that they are working for little to no reward with no downsides to being unemployed things are going to start breaking down very quickly.

Heck, at some point even the state itself will wither away as they realize that their entire purpose is meaningless given that there are no more reasons for the concept of a state to exist.


With all of this in mind, it is easy to see why the modern day libertarian left is the most absurd political movement in history. Authority, incentives for labor and social bonds are needed for a civilization to thrive and progress. Take those away and we enter a modern day dark age where humanity lacks direction and purpose.

This would be an era of freedom and indulgence the likes of which has never been seen before to the point where it becomes dull. An era where nobody has any purpose in life, where morality is gone and where everything is just rotting away.

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