Noam Chomsky has been saying it all along, and nobody is still listening

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

For all who don’t know who Noam Chomsky is, or Chris Hedges, I advise you learn if you want to understand how corrupt American politics are from a fact based viewpoint/historical background. Noam Chomsky is a renowned intellectual who is a strong opponent of the American imperialism, and the American Oligarchy, he would also most likely be looked at as a libertarian socialist. He helped change the way human sciences works because of his work linguistics and cognitive science. Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, he spent nearly 2 decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, Africa, the Middle East, and West Asia. He also helped the New York Times with the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting, Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism in 2002. Both of these men are some of the loudest voices going against what is happening in the United States, no matter your political identity Truth to Power is Truth to Power.

Requiem for the American Dream, is Noam Chomsky’s latest book, which also is a film (Very good documentary). In this book he lays out ten principles of concentration of wealth and power, which is reducing democracy is the first point which enables the powerful elites to reduce the citizenry power by limiting their power in government or operations of the country, which started in the late 70’s when the neoliberal period of American politics started. “Attempts to limit competition are treated as inimical to liberty. Tax and regulation should be minimized, public services should be privatized. The organization of labor and collective bargaining by trade unions are portrayed as market distortions that impede the formation of a natural hierarchy of winners and losers. Inequality is recast as virtuous: a reward for utility and a generator of wealth, which trickles down to enrich everyone. Efforts to create a more equal society are both counterproductive and morally corrosive. The market ensures that everyone gets what they deserve.”(A great article on Neoliberalism is Here) This quote from the article is the main example, just try to use those exact words and shape the American from childhood till now, and what our political climate is doing, plus the kicker is that whether you realize it or not, these ideas were fed to you for ideas from both parties in different forms. Neoliberalism really began with Reagan, and Obama was right there with him. This could be one of the largest documents pointing to how the society thought in the 70s when late Justice Powell famous memo got released, it exemplifies exactly why our society is eating itself alive. In his next point, it's based on shaping ideology which is that the elites targeted our society with the real beginning of think tanks to promote their ideas and through academia. The encouraged in schooling that children should learn not to challenge the ideology they are being taught and make them believe that is how society works. One way they did it was controlling the universities, by making tuition and non faculty control issues, as we see today schooling compared to the 60’s in cost in astronomical. Chomsky also explains how there was a sharp rise with the ideology of calling people anti-American when they disagree with the state, this is a characteristic of totalitarian an authoritarian governments.

In principle number 3, Chomsky explains how the Elites have to redesign the economy to take power from the citizenry. This is what began in the early 80s, under Reagan and Thatcher primarily at first. Deregulate, grow financial institutions, change the public arena to the market, in the name of spreading freedom when in reality is spreads tyranny. This is to make the roles switch from the public citizenry voice is the most important, to just the Business class because of markets, in which this Princeton study displays it perfectly. In the name of free trade, we put American jobs on a platter and handed them over to other countries in the name of Corporate profit, all free trade deals do is consolidate money. He then discusses how Alan Greenspan, the former chair of the FED for over 19 years claimed that “worker insecurity is a sign of a strong economy”. Corporate Taxes are also another subject which is laughable, since the effective tax is much lower than the actual tax since as we seen lately with Apple if they don't pay in Europe we know they don't pay here.

As he goes onto more principles, as you see with these three points, that are well thought out when you watch the video, is that he knows exactly what's eating America alive, and he can explain it in factually theory. America is no longer that shiny hill over the sunset, we are turning downward and fast. Trump is a mere symptom of the problem, Hillary would of been equally as bad for society, but in a different form. People need to start taking the everyday propaganda are start analyzing it if it's pushing a agenda on you, because it probably is and you don't know it. I will be discussing the 90’s telecommunication bill soon, which is why we have 6 companies owning the TV waves for information.
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