Greed is Good?

in #politics7 years ago

 The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. - Gordon Gekko 

     In America, people now know what greed looks like. Just last year we saw articles flood the internet how only 8 men owned as much wealth as half of the world. Well early this year, we seen that now only 6 men own as much wealth as half the world. Now today, only 5 men own as much wealth as half the world and it makes no rational sense why. The only rational sense why this is happening in the year 2017 when people should understand that for a consumer driven capitalism to thrive we need the normal citizens (bottom 95%) do have money to spend, otherwise that capitalism will die. We always hear that tax is theft, and that we as citizens shouldn't be taxed, but the only reason this is being pushed is because of the super rich owned think tanks promoting such messaging. If the super rich payee their fair share and contributed to society as much as they have taken from it we all would be living in a much more advanced world.  America is the society of fakeness, as most Americans act as if life isn't to bad, they forget that the majority of Americans (counting themselves usually) don't have more then 1,000 dollars in the bank. Yet due to the "Greed is Good" mentality in this pseudo capitalist economy we see the slow down happening and the bubble in the Fiat market happening as we speak.

     Now, the market isn't the only things Americans might come regret ignoring in the future. But politics sure will be, all of this is caused by them, the corruption, the corrosive nature of the elites greed is spilling into everyday Americans life through the neoliberal policies that only benefit the plutocrats themselves. People have this misconception that party identity guards you from corruption, because the democrats are corrupt, or that only the Republicans are corrupt. But sadly most who believe forms like that, are blinded by party propaganda and have fallen in the trap of the elites by the classic divide and conquer rules. Since 1976 when the supreme court ruled money is a form of speech in politics, this country has done nothing but digress and became more repressive to the majority and more favorable for the oligarchs. Every economic statistic shows it, from the debt, to medium wages, to price of goods, price of real estate, price of living, every metric shows that since that supreme court ruling happened, the golden era of America has died and the rule of the oligarchs has been formed.  Now why does this matter you might ask?

     As informed Americans witnessed in 2010 during the Obamacare debate happened all over this country, in commissions by congress, by arguments on mainstream media, and by typical rank and file party members. We heard that this great bill that would cover everybody (impossible with insurance companies), lower cost, lower premiums and expand Medicare. The only problem was, as many who weren't blinded by the bullshit of the corrupt Democrats saw it for what it was, a giant gift to insurance companies that wouldn't do any of the things that was promised. The public option part that was promoted to gain progressive support was gutted once they knew they had the votes to pass the bill, and that was never covered by mainstream press due to their advertisers being majority health insurance, or pharmaceutical companies.  Obviously, this plan is imploding due to lack of funding, but also the lack of truth in the core principles of it. All the time you hear how ACA is great, which the only part that is great is the coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, which thankfully was put in there. Today though, you might not hear this enough is that 27 million are still uninsured under the ACA, which just shows the flaws in the health plan that was built to sound like Single Payer, but was actually a corporate give away.

Now we have Trump-Care or the AHCA, the one that will throw another 22 million people off insurance in the next decade. The difference between the two are stark, and not for good reason. Instead of going back to the old system set up in America, the Republicans are building their own new system, and the problem with this is it's completely funded by the oligarchs of the Republican party who want their taxes cut and to go after Medicare. Now for the pieces sake I won't go into the political ideology and motivation for the ruling Republican elites. But they are savage to a tee, and if you believe in libertarianism that isn't fair and has a ruling elite that is so much more powerful then you that you can't be free in the libertarian sense then, you shouldn't support them. We don't have a free market in America, the reason why you pay so much in taxes is because the rich aren't paying their fair share which is what is destroying this country, just look at the tax rate history and deficit history, and you will see for yourself that low taxes on the rich just don't work in this country since ever. But look at the recent news out of the right wing party elites who held their secret meeting this past weekend to discuss tax reform and the health care reform. They strictly discussed how to make the repeal and replace effort more "conservative" which is their way of saying less free market and more monopolized. The Americans for Prosperity group told reporters they are disappointed with the bill as it stands in the Senate, which is asinine in itself since it only has 12% support from the public and has no bipartisan workmanship due to it being written in secret by the biggest receiver of funds from these party elites. They discussed how they are directly shaping the bill that came out of the House, and are working with the Senate to make it better. Which just shows you how corrupt the Republicans are. Instead of taking any public opinion into consideration, they are trying to ram a piece written by some of the most wealthy people in this country, who directly benefits them and will do nothing but make insurance companies more money then Obamacare (ACA) which is hard to believe.  We don't have a say as the public, we didn't during the Obamacare debate, and you sure as hell don't now.

     Maybe, one of the most outspoken elites in this country who is in the top ten richest men in the world is telling us one thing about the AHCA. Warren Buffet recently did an interview with PBS about the upcoming bill. Now his main net worth is inside Berkshire Hathaway stock, but you can still image he is worth a good amount of money due to is taxable income. In this interview he actually discussed about how much he would save in the tax cut which is the AHCA, he actually says "You could entitle, you know, Relief for the Rich Act or something, because it - I have got friends where it would have saved them as much as - it gets into the $10 million and up figure". He also talks about himself and how much he would save exactly as a top 1%, he says " Well, I brought my tax return along for the last year. I filed this on April 15. And if the Republican — well, if the bill that passed the House with 217 votes had been in effect this year, I would have saved — I can give you the exact figure. I would have saved $679,999, or over 17 percent of my tax bill.There’s nothing ambiguous about that. I will be given a 17 percent tax cut. And the people it’s directed at are couples with $250,000 or more of income." You can read the full interview here.

Warren Buffet did nothing less then show exactly what this Health Care Reform is about, it is about the money. The less money you have, the more the elites have. Just like the past 40 years, the wealth distribution in this country will keep going the wrong way for this economy. Don't be fooled by any the rhetoric of each party as they take money from the same people and all are in a position of power compared to the rest of us, the 99% that is getting screwed. If there is anything this piece is suppose to inform you about, it's that the elites of this society don't see no end to the amount of money they need, they truly believe Greed is Good. 

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