Photo-Speak: Nigerian president Buhari and his counterpart, president Donal Trump.
(this picture was lifted from buhari support group timeline FB)
President Muhammodu Buhari of Nigeria is in US for on an official visit to the White House.
GUESS WHAT! whenever you see president Donal Trump laugh such as this, he may have struck a good deal. After all, he didn't become one of the richest men in the world by chance. He sure knows how to negotiate and also protect his own, for instance, President Trump got president Buhari to agree and sign an MOU that US can begin to export it's agricultural products to Nigeria's market as against Nigeria's agricultural produce that is still struggling to survive the market politicking.
On the contrary, when the media representatives asked President Buhari if he could get the US to start buying Nigeria's petroleum products, his reply was simple, "I can not tell America where to buy their products from. 😄😃😜😜😜Hahaha, please am sorry about my out burst, couldn't control myself.
Fellow Nigerians, on a more serious note, please go and get your permanent voters card (PVC). It is time to redefine out leadership recruitment processes. We must change the change that has brought us so much pain and disunity.
We arenot lazy, we are a great nation with great people.
Happy worker's day to us all. May our labor never be in vain.
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Pure political campaign! 😀
What do you mean?
Yes o, i support the campaign go get your pvc
Yes, let's do it for the future of our country.
I wish I had sufficient time
I keep post poning getting of my PVC
I'd find time one of these days.....
Thanks for the not so friendly reminder...
Please make out time now, we need to salvage our nation and the future of our children. Hope to see you around here again. Thanks
Please make out time now, we need to salvage our nation and the future of our children. Hope to see you around here again. Thanks
Nice update from you bro...keep the news coming