
Yes, that is true and it always has. So in a sense, had it been just that, what's the point of writing an article ? I think his point is that specifically John Oliver is deceiving and manipulating people. Which might or might not be the case, we can't tell because he doesn't provide any proof of the substance

yes, he doesn't. I guess this is more clickbait.
I myself stopped watching John Oliver about 2 years ago. He jumped on the Trump-ridiculing bandwagon and that was it for me.
If you just watch this episode:

sure there are interesting points he brings up, but it's fully biased to the democrat side. And the cherry on the top are the comments under his videos.

I have watched that episode and from over the pond, un-biased and dispassionate (I don't give a dry flower on either the Democrats or the Republicans) I can tell you he is spot-on.

For people outside America, things do not split along the "Democrat vs. Republican" dimension because that is irrelevant for us. They split along the "right vs. wrong" dimension. In the past, sometimes the "Democrat" position was "right" and sometimes it was "wrong". I've seen Hillary for instance and her hypocrisy as appalling and very "wrong".

But here, in the Kavanaugh debate, if you strip aside the "Democrat vs. Republican" facet which might cloud your view, I can tell you that John Oliver is simply "right".

And what do the comments under his videos have to do with anything??? I mean come on, you seem to be confused if you bring that into the discussion ... is Oliver in any way responsible for the comments under his videos???

Comments are a reflection of what the audience of his show thinks and surprise surprise, most seem in favor and based on what, feelings?

For me John Oliver is clearly wrong.

of course most people take a position or another based on feelings not on rigurous analysis. That is precisely why, in a democracy where both the rational people (10% of the population) and the "gut feeling driven ones" (90% of the population) hold equal votes, you need to put perfect packaging around any message, right or wrong.

So yes, in the comments you'll have all those who got there based on feelings, on the "wrapping". That does not reflect in any way the quality of the content itself, which could be right or wrong.

And then there's the real debate - is it right or wrong - this is done based on what's in it, the substance