
in #politics8 years ago

We are all for unity. Though we are not for the unity Bernie Sanders or the Non Democratic Party is calling for.
Our unity is the unity of those tired of the same ole. Tired of voting for the lessor evil. Tired of working 60 hours a week. While doing so not seeing your kids to just be able to pay rent, pay utilities, and barely put food on the table everyday.
We call for unity of all individuals that believe we have fallen behind the world in quality of life ranking and education ranking.
We call for unity of those that believe our tax dollars are misappropriated. That there are much better things to spend our tax dollars on then drones that kill innocents. Tax dollars that fund a 100 person team for the first lady. Tax dollars that afford presidents to play golf when they should be in Louisiana ( Yeah that's you Bush and you Obama).
We call for the unity of all individuals that see the truth of the state of our country.
Stand together. Fight together. Be change, together. This isn't #OurRevolution, this is now the #GreenRevolution!

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