‘Toxic Masculinity’ Is Just Badly Camouflaged Hatred of Men!

in #politics7 years ago

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Suzanne Venker is the author of "The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know - and Men Can't Say," "The War on Men," "How to Choose a Husband: And Make Peace With Marriage" and "The Alpha Female's Guide to Men and Marriage: How Love Works."

Website: http://suzannevenker.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuzanneVenker

The Alpha Female's Guide to Men and Marriage: How Love Works

The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know - and Men Can't Say: http://www.fdrurl.com/flipside-of-feminism

The War on Men: http://www.fdrurl.com/war-on-men

How to Choose a Husband: And Make Peace With Marriage: http://www.fdrurl.com/choose-a-husband

7 Myths of Working Mothers: Why Children and (Most) Careers Just Don't Mix: http://www.fdrurl.com/myths-of-working-mothers

The Two-Income Trap: Why Parents Are Choosing To Stay Home: http://www.fdrurl.com/two-income-trap

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Toxic Masculinity is so last year.
The new (and proper) phrase is masculinity is toxic.

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