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jalai There are so many inexplicable mysteries that go on in the supernatural realm, that I believe are simply too magnificent for mere humans to cope with. The freak-out would crack the mold so to speak...I know there's a lot more going on than seen in the natural realm. God says, "We war not against fresh and blood; but powers of darkness... (Ephesians 6:12).
"We war not against fresh and blood; but powers of darkness... (Ephesians 6:12)" true it is and becoming more evident to me everyday. It seems this war never ceased to end after the Garden of Eden, and is forever continuing by the powers of darkness against us all. How different the world would be if we all understood who our real enemies were.
Yes, Eve ate the apple...Adam allowed himself to be seduced into eating it...
He even blamed God for giving him Eve...(ie. that woman YOU gave me)
And the rest is history...
Be of good cheer...Jesus assures He has overcome the world.
In persecution rejoice! Don't give the darkness an ounce of joy...I know easier said than done; but, that's the goal we should set for ourselves constantly; thus the need to pray UN-ceasingly.