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RE: Democracy is dead

in #politics5 years ago

Jews do seem to get blamed a lot for various nefarious conspiracies. If true, for a people screwed over by the Christendom for 2000 years, their hatred towards Christianity is quite understandable. If the Jews patiently planned the eventual destruction of Christianity, using Christian puppets, for 2000 years, I say they earned their right to be at the top, currently.

If Christians desire to reclaim their prior hegemony over their ancestral lands, then they ought also to plan and organise, as the Jews have done for the past 2000 years. Rather than blaming the Jews, the Christians should evaluate how they lost their place, and condemn those fools who sold their heritage to foreign interests. When the Tokugawa shogunate realised the pernicious influence of Jesuit missions in Nagasaki, they acted swiftly to prevent further infiltration of foreign ideas into their sociocultural matrix. The Qing failure to excise foreign religion within their own people resulted in the Taiping war that killed more people than the combined deaths in the Great War. It seems that the greater threat to Christians are not the Jews, but those within their own ranks who undermine their own heritage and identity.


You have many presuppositions about the whole bloody mess that I don't share. The primary one is the Jews have not been or are not now victims. The Exodus is complete fiction. In fact, when the RCC murdered all the Marcionites ( the largest church in antiquity) and Gnostics who know the truth about Yahweh it was the end of authentic belief in the Kristos and the beginning of a 1700-year deception.
Here is that video I mentioned and the other links in the series are attached:

Their Messiah is going to claim rule over every nation on earth so you're country ain't off the hook. If one's country has a debt currency central bank then it's already compromised...The game is definitely on! Oh, and BTW., the Jesuits were not teaching 'normalized' Christianity but rather Kabbalism as were the Masons. See Scott Ostatt's 4-hour doc. Secrets In Plain Sight which proves this beyond all reasonable doubt.
To my thinking, the most interesting part of your reply is that my view suggests that all the nations WILL be returned to their religious heritage (as much as possible) as a part of the foundation for the Messiah and the implementation of worldwide Noahide Laws. So that pushback, as you described, is beginning. Neoliberal globalism was not the end of history but another device of the dialectic. But it's important to note once the Noahide Laws are implemented on a worldwide scale it will have achieved the WHOLE earth(think of Satan/Yahweh offering Jesus the whole earth) living under a fiction as Noah is a phantom myth. At that point, the Aeon Christ (Kristos) who was not a Jewish carpenter will intervene.

All the best:)

P.S. True Gnostic Christians will never use violence and practice Ahimsa, The Golden Rule, The Non-Aggression Principle, and Kant's Categorical Imperative. It's why we always end up dead! All the demiurgic slaughter via religion isn't done by true Gnostic Christians who would never behave in such despicable ways.
As for the Jews? For the most part, we think they're spiritual retards and best described as 'the blind leading the blind'...One of the names of the Demiurge is 'the blind god'...

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