A logical response to raising minimum wage, based on current technology.
As liberals scream for higher minimum wage, they are blind to the inevitable results of this wage increase!
Here is a very low cost solution for curing stupid minimum wages:
Here's McDonald's plan for this:
So cashier's go away pretty easy!
This clears out the drive-thru jobs:
They're adding an AI to the drive-thru to take all orders...more jobs gone. This is already happening today, and this is in response to simply **talking about** raising minimum wage!
I get special magazines referred to as trade magazines, one specifically on automation; and the hardware to totally automate a fast food restaurants...**including cooks**, exists right now!
I guarantee you, having built robot lines for clean room use, with a lot less...with this level of off the shelf gear, that task would be simple! The trigger will be raising minimum wage, when it gets to a level that will differ with all companies; they will fold in full automation!
This will come from stored plans that are likely already designed, and financially analyzed. When the cost rises to that magic point where the ROI (return on investment) makes sense, they will never return to biologic employees!
This magic point will differ with each company, based on automation cost, and local wages; but it Will come! In point of fact, this will come at existing wage levels, as automation costs drop. Raising minimum wage will only greatly accelerate that process!
Better get trained folks, minimum training and minimum wage are dinosaurs in 20 years at existing wage levels...or sooner....